In 2024, the Republican Party is increasingly represented by non-WASPs.
The RNC this year featured Amber Rose, the mixed race ex-girlfriend of Kanye West.
Vivek, Kash Patel, and Haley are Indian, as is Vance’s wife;
Three out of four of Trump’s adult children are dating or married to non-whites:
Kushner (Jewish)
Guilfoyle (Puerto Rican)
Boulos (Lebanese)
Trump is the first American president to have no ancestors from the pilgrims — even Obama had pilgrim ancestors!
Outside of mainstream conservatives, Candance Owens and Andrew Tate dominate “conservative media,” with Owens being named “antisemite of the year.” Even further to the right, Nick Fuentes (Catholic and Mexican) and BAP (Jewish-Romanian immigrant) dominate the scene. Where have the WASPs gone? And why should we care?
I am not a WASP. As time goes on, most WASP Americans are interbreeding with Poles, Italians, Jews, and other white ethnics, and they no longer cleanly or neatly fit into any single category. I have no desire to see mass deportations of non-WASPs. America, like many historical empires, can tolerate a minority-majority status. An empire can have a small (but functional) ruling class, and still treat its minority subjects fairly and justly.
What a state cannot tolerate, however, is the lack of a ruling class. Who is the ruling class of America, if not WASPs? Is it Jewish, Indian, Chinese, or Catholic?
Secular Jews are intermarrying at a rate of ~70%. The richest Jew in America, Mark Zuckerberg, is married to a Chinese woman. Other “Jews” on the list, like Larry Ellison, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Steve Ballmer, are all half Jewish, and all of them have non-Jewish spouses.
Even if Jews are wealthy, influential, and have a history going back to Haym Salomon and the American Revolution, they seem to be breeding themselves out of existence. None of the richest Jews, like Zuckerberg, seem to practice the religion anymore. The Orthodox are a small minority which is not well integrated into American society. This is not a sufficiently self-conscious or ethnocentric elite to rule America.
Are Catholic Americans going to rule America? The Supreme Court has six Catholic justices; Peter Thiel is Catholic; JD Vance converted to Catholicism; Nick Fuentes is Catholic; and millions of Mexicans coming to the country are ostensibly Catholic. However, the Catholic church, just like the Protestant church, is dealing with a massive crisis of youth attrition. Young people go to college and leave Catholicism.
Catholicism’s moral teachings on gender (only male priests), homosexuality (no gay marriage), and abortion (no exceptions for rape, incest, health of the mother) run contrary the the values of most Americans. Catholicism has a “hollow core,” in that the vast majority of Catholics are Catholic in name only, and disregard the moral teachings of the church. In other words, the Catholic church is old, sclerotic, and losing the youth. Such an institution does not have the power to provide America with a new ruling class.
What about Indians or Chinese? Both of these groups are less than 2% of the population, but already, they have begun fielding presidential candidates, and lead some of America’s biggest and most important companies, like Google and NVIDIA. Unfortunately, neither of these groups have any historical connection to America prior to 1990.
Furthermore, Indians and Chinese have a historical geopolitical conflict over the Himalayan mountains. This may seem irrelevant (who cares about a bunch of mountains? who even lives up there?) but many of India’s and China’s most important river systems actually flow down from the Himalayas.
The Himalayas control over 90% of the water supply of both India and China. As climate change and soil depletion create food scarcity, the issue of water rights will only increase in severity. This alone means that Indians and Chinese are not likely to coordinate or cooperate, due to family ties at home.
Not only will Indians and Chinese be unable to properly govern America, but they will actively redirect America’s limited resources toward supporting foreign governments in a geopolitical conflict between India and China. Such internal divisions and parasitic tug-of-war games will leave America without united leadership or a clear vision for the future.
In my discussion with sebjenseb, we discussed the possibility of “hapa futurism.” Seb claims that interracial couples tend to have a higher risk tolerance, which is important for achieving leadership positions. Accordingly, we see a lot of mixed race people in politics, media, and finance: Indian-black (Kamala), white-black (Tate), white-Mexican (Fuentes), and white-Jewish (Ellison, Page, Brin, Ballmer). However, this is not necessarily the case for white-Asian couples. Can you name a prominent male hapa in politics, media, or finance? (Keanu Reeves doesn’t count, sorry.)
The most prominent hapa I can think of is Elliot Rodger, a founder of the “incel” movement, an autistic psychopath that killed blonde college girls in his act of revenge against a world which didn’t notice or appreciate him.
hapa hypothesis:
Consider the following hypotheses:
White men who prefer Asian women often claim that white women are “too slutty,” too disrespectful, or not “feminine” enough. These are men are selecting for agreeableness, conscientiousness / conformity, and femininity (low testosterone).
Asian women who prefer white men are less ethnocentric than other Asian women. Ethnocentrism is associated with amygdala function and testosterone. Thus, Asian women who prefer white men are selecting for decreased amygdala function and lower testosterone.
Sociologically, due to ethnocentrism, Asian fathers may pressure their daughters not to marry white men. Asian women who disregard this pressure will, on average, tend to be those with weaker father-daughter relationships. It’s not clear what causes daughters to have weak relationships with their fathers, and there is not necessarily a “single cause” for this, but it could indicate a lack of respect for fatherly authority.
This is tenuous, but perhaps Asian men with low testosterone tend to have less fatherly authority over their daughters, and therefore, exert less ethnocentric pressure. As a result, Asian women who marry white men have fathers with lower testosterone.
The result of these three hypotheses is that hapas are not just a random mix of whites and Asians — they are descended from a particular subgroup of whites, and a particular subgroup of Asians. Specifically, these are white men and Asian women who tend to be more feminine, less ethnocentric, more conformist, more agreeable, with lower amygdala function, and lower testosterone. I’m not sure if these selective pressures are breeding a bold and brave leadership class. They might make great engineers, but don’t expect them to run your military, investment firm, or political movement.
America’s fall: China’s rise?
Since there is no one to replace the WASP, America will likely have serious problems in terms of united leadership and clarity of vision. No one wants to sacrifice their life for a country with no historical connection and no intergenerational investment.
America will be plagued with the problems of a “mercenary state,” and its decline will resemble the decline of the Ottoman Empire between the 17th and 20th century, which also relied on foreign janissaries.
This isn’t to say that China will take America’s place as the world’s superpower any time soon. China, like America, has massive debts: $47.5 trillion as opposed to $70 trillion. Chinese public debt is on course to eclipse American debt, as a percentage of GDP, over the next 5 years. America’s private debt has held steady for 30 years around 150% of GDP, but China’s private debt continues to balloon toward 200%.
America’s debt is safeguarded by the greenback’s status as the world reserve currency. China’s debt is backed up by trade.
Which falls faster: dollar or trade?
Some believe that China can institute a new global currency to replace the greenback, but its government has been resistant to crypto (since it cannot control it). Others think that a “BRICS” currency can be established, but the idea that India and China will collaborate to form a new currency is suspect, given the fact that India just banned a bunch of Chinese apps in 2020.
America established Bretton-Woods through winning two world wars, devastating Europe, and establishing global military supremacy. China has yet to win a single war beyond its borders.
The History of the WASP.
The WASP is clearly not as powerful as he once was, 100 years ago. The future of America, without strong leadership and a sense of identity, is uncertain. China has its own problems. The slow decline of the Ottoman Empire after the 17th century might provide a template for America’s future, limping along for another 200 years before collapse. Or maybe America will undergo a Caesarism and a rapid expansion, before being consumed by foreign cults and eventually invasion by barbarians in 500 years.
In any case, the best way to understand the future is to first examine the past. Toward that end, we will investigate the death of America’s WASP ruling class. Was it a suicide, homicide, or something else? To answer this question, we will go all the way back to America’s first discovery by the Norse in 1007.
Northern Explorers
In 1007, the great Norse explorer, Thorvald Eiriksson, became the first European to set foot in America, before it was America. He built a stone wall as part of an attempted settlement or defensive structure in modern day Provincetown.1 During this period, Eiriksson was stuck in Provincetown harbor because the keel of his ship was damaged and needed repairs. This is detailed in the Norse sagas, and the stone wall that he built was discovered in 1805.2
Had the Norse never been Christianized, their exploration of America likely would have continued. However, Christianization in the 11th century pacified the Norse and brought an end to the Viking Age. In 1095, Pope Urban II began to promote the concept of a crusade in Jerusalem. In this way, the Norse-Faustian spirit was redirected from its ultimate destiny (the founding of America), and redirected toward the Middle East.
In 1302, the Fall of Ruad marked the end of the crusades and the expulsion of the Norse and their European allies from the Middle East. In 1309, Pope Clement V planned another crusade, but this was never carried out.
The Directorium
Among the various plans to retake Jerusalem, the most interesting is the Directorium ad faciendum passagium transmarinum. A directorium is a guide or manual; a faciendum is something which must be done, and a passagium transmarinum is a passage or crusade overseas. In total, the title can be translated as “What is to be done: a manual for trans-oceanic crusade.” The text of the Directorium is about 48 pages long, and demands the following:
All wars between Europeans must immediately end, and Europe must form a united military alliance against the entire world.
Europe must form a common industrial policy for the production of war machines, mining, ship building, armaments, swords, armor, siege engines, and other necessary supplies.
Europe must form a common fleet to patrol the seas and destroy Islamic naval powers.
Instead of sailing to the Holy Land, which was treacherous and vulnerable to random storms and disasters, the crusaders must march into Bulgaria and conquer it, and invade the Middle East by land.
Serbia and Byzantium must be destroyed, subjugated, and integrated into the European alliance. Because the Greeks are weak, degenerate, and effeminate, this would be like pushing over a rotten tree. Otherwise, the Byzantines would eventually fall into the hands of the Turks (which came true in 1453).
Conquered territories should be exploited for their wealth.
Specifically, a plan should be devised for capturing grain and wine reserves in Thrace in order to supply the crusaders; vegetables should be sourced from Thessalonica; Athens and Negroponte would supply oil and cheese. From Anatolia, the crusaders could seize meat, fish, honey, and wax.
The Turks would be easy to destroy.
They relied upon Christian mercenaries and Christian slaves. The crusaders should instigate a slave revolt in order to destroy the Turks.
The Turks were cowardly, engaging in hit-and-run raiding tactics, and could not win a war of attrition against a fanatical enemy.
After having traveled the world from Madagascar to Russia, the author states that Europe is superior to all other parts of the world in the strength of its warriors, its morality and high culture, its fiscal responsibility, and its intolerance of corruption and lying in government.
The Directorium was published around 1320, and contains all the elements of European colonialism and the Pan-European ideal: a command economy, industrial policy, naval supremacy, the exploitation of resources, and a concept of the “White Man’s Burden” to conquer and civilize the world. Of course, at this time, the concept of “white race” did not exist, but all the seeds and prejudices for it exist in the Directorium.
The religious dimension of crusading began to fade in 1362, when Peter I launched the Alexandrian Crusade. Peter I was king of Cyprus and launched a crusade against Egypt without the permission or command of the Pope. The Alexandrian Crusade represented the return of the Viking spirit in Europe, an overseas military conquest in pursuit of glory and treasure without religious or church backing.
In 1415, Prince Henry the Navigator promoted the expansion of the Portuguese into Africa, beginning the European Age of Exploration. Finally, in 1492, Columbus resumed the work of Thorvald Eiriksson, reigniting an adventure that began 485 years prior.
The Pilgrims
It is with this preface that the WASP finally enters American history.
On the 15th May, 1602, Bartholomew Gosnold sailed to Provincetown Harbor, just as Thorvald did centuries before. Not long after, Captain John Smith, in 1614, reached the same harbor.3 Finally, in 1620, the Mayflower landed in Provincetown harbor, at the same exact spot where Thorvald landed 613 years earlier. This might seem incredibly unlikely at first, since the Mayflower had intended to land near the Hudson River, not Massachusetts! — What are the chances that two European ships would land in the same exact 5 mile stretch of land, completely by accident?
There is a logic to this. Cape Cod stretches far out into the Atlantic, making it more likely to be “bumped into” by a fleet. Even though the Cape is small and slim, it contains a large population of sea birds, who create a sort of “bird cloud” surrounding the peninsula. Seagulls can fly up to 100 miles per day. As sailors approached this “bird cloud,” they followed the birds in the direction of the land. Birds flock to the Cape because, as a peninsula, it acts as a “fishing dock,” allowing the birds to penetrate further into deep waters on northern, southern, and eastern shores.
Whether this scientific explanation will suffice, or whether something more mystical occurred, on the 19th of November of 1620, Captain Christopher Jones spotted Cape Cod, and set down anchor on November 21st in Provincetown Harbor. According to William Bradford, later the second governor of the colony, “they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of heaven, who had brought them over the vast and furious ocean.”4
On December 7th, the pilgrims attempted to sail around Cape Cod, looking for a site where they could establish a settlement. The weather was so brutally cold that their socks turned to ice, and many caught colds which would later kill them. There was no food or shelter. The ground was frozen, so agriculture was out of the question. Snow made it almost impossible to travel by foot without snowshoes. They didn't even have fishing rods.5
Because it was impossible to build structures in these conditions, the pilgrims lived aboard the Mayflower, suffering from scurvy, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. 50% of the pilgrims died that winter. It wasn’t even possible to return home to England, since the crew was sick for months, the ship could not be sailed.
The long winter of death finally ended on March 21st, 1621. Finally, Captain Jones left for England, leaving the pilgrims behind in a strange and foreign land. Had the passengers of the Mayflower followed him, the Mayflower landing would have been as temporary as the voyage of Thorvald.
The Heroic Lineage of John Alden
It was only due to strong leadership among the pilgrims that they were able to survive. John Alden was one of those leaders. He was not a Puritan, or religious dissenter, when he first stepped aboard the Mayflower. Instead, he was a sailor, part of the crew of Captain Jones.
He began the voyage at age 21, on September 6th, 1620. 130 people were crammed into a 100-foot ship. Two people died of illness during the crossing. Yet among the death, sickness, and cramped conditions (which included smelly goats and chickens), John Alden fell in love with Priscilla Mullins. In the following winter, her father William, her mother Alice, and her brother Joseph all died. At only 17, she was the last survivor of her line.
John and Priscilla had 10 children. In 1623, their first child, Elizabeth, was the first European born in New England. Elizabeth married William Pabodie, and they had 13 children together (John and Priscilla’s grandchildren). Elizabeth's first child was Lydia. Lydia married Daniel Grinnell Jr, and this third generation of pilgrims had... another 13 children (John and Priscilla’s great grandchildren).
While not every single one of the Alden children and grandchildren had 13 children each, this goes to show that these people had high fertility: 10 in the first generation, as many as 130 in the second generation, and as many as 1,690 in the third generation. A more reasonable estimate is to use the Amish fertility rate of 8 children per couple, which would produce 512 great grandchildren.
If we assume that each generation lasts 30 years, then from 1623 to 1803, there would be 6 generations, resulting in 262,144 descendants. Considering that there were roughly 6 million Americans in 1800, this means that perhaps as many as 4.3% of Americans were directly descended from John and Priscilla Alden (barring cousin marriage). As of 2021:
According to the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, there are “35 million Mayflower descendants in the world.”6
There is a phenomenon known as “pedigree collapse,” which is just a polite term for “inbreeding with distant cousins.” Due to this phenomenon, there may be as few as 3 million Mayflower descendants, which is 1% of America’s population. This number seems exceptionally low, however, when we consider that John Alden’s descendants alone may number as high as 1 million,7 one of whom was the famous poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Considering that 48 other pilgrims survived the winter (25 potential couples?), it is reasonable to assume that between 5% to 10% of all Americans are descended from Mayflower passengers, and maybe as high as 20% among America’s 200 million whites. There are only 26 million self-identified English Americans. Since there are potentially more Mayflower descendants than English Americans, WASP Americans have a high likelihood of Mayflower ancestry.
In George Willison’s 1945 book, Saints and Strangers, he describes John Alden as “as tall, blond, and very powerful in physique.” Alden, like the other surviving pilgrims, was selected in several ways:
Risk taking: the pilgrims understood the risk of death. There was probably a 10% chance that the boat would get caught in a storm in the middle of the Atlantic and everyone would die a horrible death by drowning. Natives were known to be hostile, and Roanoke Colony was known to have been completely annihilated in 1590.
Non-conformism: the pilgrims were mostly religious dissenters who did not fit into the hierarchy of the Anglican church. They hated the concept of the “establishment” and following authority. They believed that each individual had a responsibility to become literate, read the Bible, and establish a personal connection with God.
Health: the surviving pilgrims were selected to be resistant against disease, the cold, and starvation. Their immune systems were top tier: they were trapped on a 100 foot boat with goat and chicken feces for months at a time. Their socks froze solid. They had no food for weeks at a time, and had to do vigorous manual labor while fasting.
With a founding stock so vigorously selected for and so fertile, it is no wonder that by 1848, their descendants conquered the continent, “from sea to shining sea.” So how is it that this people, once an elite ruling class, are displaced by Irish Catholics, Jews, Indians, and Chinese?
WASP Suicide
WASP suicide is a polite concept. It means that no one killed the WASP, no one is guilty, and no one needs to avenge the fallen WASP. Instead, one day, for no reason at all, the WASP became exhausted, filled with ennui, decadent, degenerate, and tired of life. The WASP then decided to invite in millions of immigrants and play golf.
Even if the WASP committed suicide, this is still a crime of sorts. We should still investigate the crime scene, just to make sure. When did the WASP commit suicide, exactly?
Most divisions of American history deal with wars or conflicts: 1860, the Civil War; 1945, the World War; or even 1965, the Civil Rights “Struggle,” or the “War on Poverty.” But there is a year, less well known, but more salient for our investigation. That year is 1924.
1924 hosted three different momentous events:
The peak of the KKK.
The Indian Citizenship Act.
The Johnson-Reed Act.
Very briefly:
The KKK was a pro-WASP organization which fought immigration, and specifically sought to defend America’s Protestant heritage from Catholicism. In 1925, a sex scandal broke out where Klan leader D. C. Stephenson was convicted of rape and murder. This broke the Klan, and the vacuum left by this successful political and cultural organization would be filled by anti-Klan and pro-Catholic Democrats, including Franklin Roosevelt.
The Indian Citizenship Act made native Americans into citizens. At the time, this was seen as an attempt to assimilate native Americans into the country. Five years later, Charles Curtis, a native American, became the first and only non-white vice president until Kamala Harris in 2020.
The Johnson-Reed Act of 1924 massively curtailed the immigration wave which began following the Civil War, which had concentrated Catholics and Jews in cities like Boston, Chicago, and New York. Its success was partially due to the Progressive Movement, which included in its ranks eugenicists like Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard.
If WASP America had a “peak,” it was in 1924. After 1925, the Democrat Party repudiated the Klan; Indians became citizens; and immigration restrictionism began its long decline.
Decline of Immigration Restriction, 1934-1962
1934: Immigration restriction was undermined by the Equal Nationality Act of 1934, which allowed for easier “chain citizenship” through marriage;
1940: The Nationality Act of 1940 further weakened immigration restriction;
1943: The Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act allowed for Chinese immigration;
1945: the War Brides Act made it easier for German, Italian, French, and British wives of American soldiers to become citizens;
1946: the Alien Fiancées and Fiancés Act extended this to Filipinos and Indians;
1947: the previous act was amended again to allow for Japanese and Korean wives;
1950: the Lodge–Philbin Act allowed for anyone to become a citizen by serving in the military;
1953: the Refugee Relief Act established the first law allowing for immigration due to persecution abroad, justified by anti-communism;
1962: the previous act was expanded by the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act.
While there were some efforts to restrict immigration during this period, they mostly dealt with the problem of “communist infiltration.” As such, they were ideological restrictions, rather than ethnic, cultural, or religious restrictions. 1924 was the last time that racial considerations were successfully implemented in American immigration policy.
Why weren’t WASPs able to maintain restrictive immigration policies after 1924? Even if we accept the “suicide” myth, that WASPs just “gave up,” we need to ask ourselves what exactly was happening in 1925 to make them “give up” at precisely this time, and not earlier or later.
The Three Assassins of the WASP
There were four attacks that lead to the fall of the WASP between 1925 and 1990:
The Mob, and its influence on:
Tammany Hall
1. The Mob
Irish, Italian, and Jewish crime syndicates became incredibly powerful after 1870, before eventually declining as a result of assimilation and entropy. Historically, how can we quantify the power of non-WASP criminal empires at their height?
Contemporary estimates state that, globally, organized crime makes up 3-7% of global GDP. In Italy today, the mafia makes up as much as 9% of GDP.
Specifically, in Sicily, GDP in 2019 was $89.36 billion, or 4.99% of total Italian GDP. If half of all mob activity is $161 billion, and 50% of mafia activity occurs in Sicily, then perhaps as much as 50% of the Sicilian economy is directly or indirectly controlled by the mafia.
If the American mafia reached Sicilian levels, then we could expect that 50% of the economies of Boston, New York, and Chicago were controlled by organized crime. This seems far fetched, but consider exactly what is meant by “controlled.”
The operations of the mob are not so different from the government. Let’s say a business wants to open a new restaurant, a department store, or a casino. The mob sends their representative, and informs the business that there will be a fee, for “protection.” If they pay the fee, everything is good. If they don’t, then things go badly.
Effectively, the mafia is using its ability to do violence to extract a “property tax.” This is really no different from the government doing the exact same thing. In this sense, the mob represents a “state within a state.” This is a morally neutral analysis. You can like the mob, or think it’s cool, and still agree that this is correct.
a. Mobbed-Up Unions
Other methods by which the mob made money8 was to beat up union organizers. When unions would attempt to picket or strike, the mob would be called in to attack workers. This fear and intimidation tactic helped businesses keep wages low, and helped suppress worker’s rights. Businesses were happy to pay the mob to keep unions at bay, because it saved them millions of dollars due to the cost of increased wages.
Alternatively, the mob also helped unions in their conflict against one another. Unions controlled an incredible amount of financial and political power. Unions could decide the fate of elections. When two unions existed in the same industry (like the trucking industry), they would compete over “territory,” in a similar way to the mob. These similarities led to the mob becoming directly intertwined with unions, such as the Teamsters.
In 1982, James Riddle Hoffa, a German-Irish American from Indiana, attempted to free the Teamsters from Italian mafia control. He recognized that the corruption of the mob was hurting the cause of worker’s rights, and he wanted to work with the federal government to get the crime out of unions, so they could fight for higher wages. Hoffa disappeared, and his body was never found.
Hoffa’s defiance of the mob in 1982 came quite late in mob history. Hoffa believed that, in 1982, the mafia wasn’t as powerful or violent as it used to be. After all, the Godfather trilogy was released in 1972. If Hollywood was making movies about it, surely it was a thing of history, right?
Hoffa was half right (but still dead wrong). The mafia in 1982 was certainly a shadow of its former self, and not nearly as powerful as it was in the 1920s, 30s, or 40s. The fact that it was still able to “disappear” Hoffa, even in its weakened “post-Godfather” state, indicates that the “original” mafia was nearly invincible.
So what if the mob was powerful? How does that hurt WASPs?
b. Prohibition as a Partisan War
Prohibition was a movement by WASPs, especially in the KKK, to clamp down on the alcoholism of Irish and Italian immigrants. By the dawn of the 20th century, the problem was worse than ever, with topless bars becoming a breeding ground for STDs, crime, gangs, domestic violence, vagrancy, public urination, sexual assault, and other anti-WASP activities.
Hollywood has romanticized the mob and run a propaganda campaign to portray prohibition as ineffective and un-American. But WASPs believed that prohibition was one of the greatest public health campaigns in history. It drastically lowered deaths by liver cirrhosis from 15 per 100,000 to 7 per 100,000 — a 50% decline over 15 years. This not only was good for people’s health, but provided social benefits from sobriety, had potential eugenic effects from lowered sexual assaults and out-of-wedlock pregnancy, and decreased domestic abuse and violent crime.
But Prohibition had one problem: the mob. In the process of circumventing Prohibition, Irish Catholics like the Kennedy clan got rich, and went on to support policies like refugee-based immigration, Civil Rights, and de-colonization.
c. Tammany Hall and Watergate
Tammany Hall is an early example of how ethnic mafias controlled American politics in big cities, usurping WASP power and introducing corruption. It is alleged that Richard Nixon lost the 1960 election because the mob stuffed ballots in Chicago, and intimidated voters with violence. Nixon represents WASP America, and his downfall at the hands of “Deep Throat” in the Watergate Scandal also represents the victory of the mob.
The story is told as follows: Nixon committed a crime. Then, a brave hero, “Deep Throat” (Mark Felt), exposed Nixon as a criminal. Nixon resigned. Simple.
What is not so simple is that Mark Felt was a loyalist to J. Edgar Hoover, who was a mob puppet. Hoover went so far as to claim that the mob or mafia “did not exist.”9 Hoover’s control of the FBI was a WASP humiliation. How was it that the country’s “top cop” was controlled by Jewish mobsters like Meyer Lansky and Italian mafiosos like Frank Costello?
Some speculate that these mobsters had blackmail on Hoover, and they claim he was homosexual or liked to dress in drag. Whether or not this is true, it is clear that Hoover was (metaphorically, at least) in bed with the mob.
Mark Felt, “Deep Throat,” became tied into the mob when he was instructed to “observe” the activities of mobsters in Las Vegas by Hoover, without ever taking action against them (but possibly to collaborate with them). He was upset when Nixon, in an attempt to “clear house,” appointed Louis Patrick Gray III to head the FBI. Gray was outside the FBI’s corrupt, mob-infested, incestuous ranks. Felt’s betrayal of Nixon represents his loyalty to Hoover, and by extension, the mob. Effectively, Nixon, like Hoffa, was taken out by the mob.
Whether or not the mob also killed Kennedy in order to install their favorite man, Lydon B. Johnson, is not clear. Kennedy had many enemies. Swim with sharks, get bitten. The result of Nixon’s loss in 1960 was the expansion of the welfare state under Johnson’s “War on Poverty.” The Protestant work ethic and the WASP culture of self-reliance took another blow.
Whether or not porn is the cause of all America’s problems, it certainly is not fitting with WASP values. Pornography was controlled by, pushed by, and funded by the mob. Both Italian and Jewish organized crime was deeply involved in prostitution (human trafficking) and smut films. Some girls were controlled with drugs or threats of violence by pimps.
Some people like porn, and think that if some girls were made uncomfortable in the process, it’s not a big deal. My purpose here isn’t to pass moral judgment, but simply to catalogue the way in which the WASP cultural idols were smashed by organized Ellis Islanders.
The ACLU was responsible for the legalization of pornography, leading to the Miller v. California decision. Who founded it?
Roger Nash Baldwin: communist
Walter Nelles: communist
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn: chairwoman of the Communist Party
Arthur Garfield Hays, Morris Ernst: Jewish
Albert DeSilver: pro-immigrant lawyer
Felix Frankfurter: Jewish immigrant
Jane Addams: feminist
Helen Keller: feminist
Crystal Eastman: feminist
Jeannette Rankin: feminist
The mafia was generally anti-communist, owing to its suppression and infiltration of unions, and undermining of worker’s rights. However, both the mob and communism were deeply tied to immigrant groups like Italians and Jews. Communism as a movement was a large part of the political, cultural, and social movement to dethrone the WASP elite.
Many WASPs joined or allied with communists by dropping their Protestantism. This is especially the case for WASP feminists, who saw communists as allies (in the same way as feminists today often see BLM or Islam as their ally). Feminism identifies itself as “opposition to patriarchy,” which means “rule of the father.” WASP women who hated their WASP fathers attempted to undermine the culture of their fathers in revenge.10
Jews were overrepresented among leftists, but Italians as well. Anarchism was made famous by Italian immigrants Sacco and Vanzetti. The Galleanisti, an Italian immigrant anarchist group, likely perpetrated the Wall Street Bombing in 1920. The Wall Street Bombing was one of the greatest terrorist attacks on Americans in peace time since John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry. 40 people were killed. Hundreds were injured.
Communism and the mafia acted as a two-pronged pincer attack on WASP identity. Communists would commit terrorism and threaten to “eat the rich,” and the mafia would say, “hey, at least we’re not Godless communists, you can work with us.” In this way, anti-communists like Hoover were driven into an alliance with the mob. JFK’s mob ties, via his father, may have even helped his image of being an anti-communist, despite being extremely liberal on immigration, colonialism, and race relations.
3. Entertainment
Despite the aforementioned tension between communists and the mob, Hollywood was controlled, ironically, by both communists and the mob. Even though those two groups supposedly did not get along, they both exercised significant influence over Hollywood.
Hollywood was instrumental in pushing communists talking points like feminism, skepticism of religion, openness towards immigrants, and Civil Rights. At the same time, it glorified and romanticized the mob and mafia, focusing especially on the Italians. Hollywood was so successful in pushing the image of the “gangster,” that blacks in the 1990s adopted the term as a badge of honor. The glamorization of “gangster culture” in the 20th century may have even served as an inspiration for black crime between 1970 and 1990. But the mob killed far more cops than black criminals ever have, both in absolute terms, as well as per capita. Black crime today is a pale imitation of the violence of Ellis Islanders.
Alongside Hollywood, the music industry was extremely influential in the culture war between WASPs and Ellis Islanders. Jazz was a force for racial integration in the 1920s. Later on, Elvis was promoted by Jewish entertainers such as Milton Berle (born Mendel Berlinger). On June 5th, 1953, Milton Berle persuaded Elvis11 to not take his guitar on stage, so he could unveil his now famous “hip gyrations.” This resulted in a media scandal, because Elvis violated WASP norms with his sexual dancing.
The record label Hill and Range Songs, Inc., which controlled most of country music between 1950 to 1970, owned the copyright to Elvis's music. It was founded by Jewish immigrants, Julian and Jean Aberbach.
Parallel to Elvis, Marilyn Monroe was advertised implicitly as a famous prostitute, loose woman, and role model for young girls. Monroe's first breakthrough was in 1950 through Johnny Hyde (Iván Haidabura), an immigrant from Russia, and vice president of the William Morris Agency. In 1951, Charles K. Feldman became her agent, taking full control over her professional career. By 1956, she married Arthur Miller, a Jewish communist and playwright, who also helped further her career. She finally broke her streak of Jewish men when she decided to have a threesome with JFK and his brother.
Monroe’s motto was: “no WASP boys!” As a result, she became promoted beyond all proportion, and one of the most beloved women in America, even to this day.
4. Finance.
Instead of detailing the ways in which WASPs lost control of American finance, I will ask the reader to buy the book Den of Thieves by James Stewart. It is a good investment. I will briefly summarize:
Ronald Perelman started his business career in 1961; he was accused (but never convicted) of greenmailing and insider trading in 1986.
Carl Icahn began his career as a stockbroker in 1961; by 1986, he was engaged in "corporate raiding" and "hostile takeovers" of American companies. He was intertwined with this group, but escaped conviction.
Ivan Boesky got his start in finance in 1966; in 1986, he was arrested for insider trading.
Michael Milken started his finance career in 1969; indicted in 1989.
Martin A. Siegel started his securities career in 1971; pleaded guilty to SEC violations and tax evasion in 1987.
John A. Mulheren became managing director for Merrill Lynch in 1974; convicted of financial crimes in 1990. Unlike the other financiers listed here, he was Irish Catholic rather than Jewish.
Lowell Jay Milken, brother of Michael Milken, joined Drexel's “junk bond” department in 1979; he escaped conviction through his brother's plea bargain in 1989.
Dennis B. Levine started in 1978; pleaded guilty to fraud and tax evasion in 1986.
Terren Peizer started at Goldman Sachs in 1983, and testified against Milken in exchange for total immunity from sanctions or prosecution. Despite this “get out of jail free” card, Peizer decided to keep breaking the law, and was convicted of insider trading in 2024.
Robert M. Freeman of Goldman Sachs was arrested in 1987 for insider trading.
These men conspired together in order to defraud, scam, steal, con, and plunder the American financial system. This is a closed case, well-documented, with guilty pleas and “yes, I did do that” autobiographies.
Moral caveat.
WASP elites used similar tactics, such as insider trading, in order to grow and maintain their wealth. Pointing out a group of Jewish financiers colluded to earn money is not an endorsement of WASP bankers, or evidence that WASP bankers were morally “better.” The purpose of this history is not to label some ethnicities as angels, and others as demons, but to point out that in the game of ethnic competition, there are winners and losers. The WASP didn’t commit suicide. He lost.
Are the mob or mafia really any different from the government, and aren’t they kind of cool also? Wasn’t prohibition a curtailment of basic freedoms? Maybe porn is actually healthy for you? Didn’t the ACLU do some good things? Doesn’t communism have its good parts as well, like equality and workers rights?
It is possible to say,
“WASPs lost control because they were besieged by millions of ethnic competitors from overseas: but also, that’s a good thing, and the country is better off for it. And they deserved to lose, because they were very prudish and stuck up. They suck.”
I’m not claiming that WASPs are more moral than Italians, or purer than Jews, or metaphysically superior to Catholics. WASPs exterminated native American tribes; they were patriarchal; they enslaved black people. We can put all these sins on the scales of justice, and decide for ourselves who is “better” or “worse.” I’m not making that call. That is not my purpose. I am simply making the argument that WASPs did not commit “suicide.” They were beaten, fairly or unfairly, and we are now dealing with the consequences of that defeat.
WASPs made incorrect predictions.
The open borders policy of the late 19th and early 20th century seemed good at first: economic growth, population growth, more consumers, and more producers. Up until that point, America’s experience with immigration had positive aspects. The belief was that immigrants could be successfully assimilated, and would not threaten the WASP elite.
This belief was wrong. It was an error, a mistake on the part of WASPs. WASPs thought they were so smart that poor Italian, Irish, and Jewish day laborers would never threaten their supremacy. That was incorrect. The consequences of that inaccurate assessment was the death of the WASP elite.
The “suicide” hypothesis can be thrown out. Instead, the death of the WASP can be compared to inviting a homeless man in your house to do your dishes, and one day you find him in your bedroom with your wife, then the next day he’s drinking beer with your kids, then the next day he’s burning the books in your library and inserting his own.
Did the WASP ever fight back?
It is not true that the WASP never fought back. The KKK was an effective political organization until 1924. Stoddard and Grant were effective at disseminating Nordicist propaganda, and they helped to develop support for the Johnson-Reed Act. However, when the KKK was rocked with a rape-and-murder scandal, there was no “backup” brand to fill the void.
Furthermore, young immigrants acted as a “time bomb” in 1924. Even though the doors were closed for 40 years, the immigrants who came in between 1870 and 1920 had children and grandchildren. They learned English, became educated, started businesses, entered the entertainment industry, and engaged in organized crime, but they didn’t forget their roots.
Even today, Irish pride, Italian pride, and Jewish pride are still present, even if they have faded significantly in the last 100 years. Resentments have calmed down partially due to intermarriage, but they were stronger in the past.
Is White Nationalism a WASP movement?
The arch of history is slow and long. The WASP has been losing for the better part of a century. However, WASPs are still 1-20% of the country (depending on your definition), and they have allies in other sorts of white Americans: Germans, Scandinavians, French, and Scottish.
White nationalism is an attempt to build a “big tent” where all the white ethnics unite into a superblock to take back power, with an implicit WASP core. But this strategy is self-defeating, because the majority of WASP elites find white nationalism to be more threatening to America than anything else. See my series on race realism to find out why.
Are rich WASPs getting “redpilled”?
The richest WASP donors, like Timothy Mellon, have been pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into the Trump campaign, and even RFK Jr’s campaign. What have they gotten in return? Usha Vance, Amber Rose, the First Step Act, more immigration than Obama, increased government spending, Andrew Tate, Candace Owens…
Part of the reason why rich WASPs like Tim Mellon don’t go “nuclear” and support open white nationalism, instead of dumping their money into an increasingly diverse MAGA movement, is because they rightly realize that open racism would result in significant conflict and even violence. I am not referring to race realism, or the belief that races have different IQs. I’m referring to racism as a “blood and soul” identity, the kind of racism that Russians have against Ukrainians.
Rich WASPs would like to turn back the clock slightly, or at least slow their growing irrelevance, but they are not willing to risk an open “ethnic conflict.” By “ethnic conflict,” I’m not referring to some kind of William Piece-style black vs. white vs. Hispanic race war, but rather an elite-level conflict between Catholics, Jews, and WASPs (and now Indians and Chinese).
(I’ve been using the term “Catholic” throughout this article as if it is a racial designation, and this is because for most Catholics, like Italians and Irish, Catholicism is essentially a hereditary ethno-religion. You are born Catholic because your parents are Catholic. Similarly, the WASP is born Protestant, and Jews have their own religion, even if they are secular.)
There is also a faction of WASPs which would rather own 1% of the world than 100% of America. By this, I mean that they would rather have a little slice of an ethnically diverse American Empire which controls the entire globe, than to be the complete masters of a relatively large regional power, confined to North America.
Carol Quigley is a classical example of this type:
“[Skousen] claims that I have written of a conspiracy of the super-rich who are pro-Communist and wish to take over the world and that I'm a member of this group. But I never called it a conspiracy and don't regard it as such. I'm not an “insider” of these rich persons, although Skousen thinks so. I happen to know some of them and liked them, although I disagreed with some of the things they did before 1940.”
The future of the WASP
When the Mayflower landed in Provincetown, none of the WASPs on board could have imagined that their descendants would, in 300 years time, be on the cusp of controlling one of the largest empires the world has ever seen. Things have changed a lot since then.
During the success of the KKK, many WASPs thought of themselves as “nativists,” and were generally intolerant of Catholics and Jews. They wanted less immigration, and supported enforcing Progressive cultural norms, like Prohibition, prudishness, eugenics, and conservationism.
At some point, however, rich WASPs like Woodrow Wilson and FDR became sympathetic to or allied with communism, as Quigley describes, and preferred to strive for a one-world government rather than satisfy themselves with the “preservation of American culture.” This is the same decision Julius Caesar made when he violated the ethnic heritage of the Roman senate, and “stacked the court” with his Gallic allies.
Caesar chose to sacrifice Rome’s racial purity in exchange for an expansion of its borders and power. Alexander the Great made the same choice when he married off his Greek generals to Persian princesses. This is not new. Elites do this throughout history (especially European elites).
The hope of the rich WASP is that all of their competition — not just Jews and Catholics, but now Indians and Chinese — end up secularizing and inter-mixing in the global “melting pot” of diversity. The result will be as Kalergi prophesied: a new global “Egyptian” race, African-Asian and European. But it is questionable as to whether a menagerie of Mischling, Indians and Chinese will not provide a strong, cohesive vision for a new elite.
Even as Jewish prosperity has increased, the world has been becoming less “pure Jewish” since the 1970s, as a result of low birthrates and high intermarriage rates. The redoubt for Jewish identity is Israel, which is constantly under threat from external and internal demographic problems.
WASPs and Jews are both demographically endangered, threatened, shrinking, dying, or receding. It is not so surprising, then, that the two biggest WASPs in America, Elon Musk and Donald Trump, are both married to Israel. It’s also not surprising that Israel’s biggest supporters are backing Musk and Trump.
Whether or not such an alliance will be able to resist a hostile Indian or Chinese takeover is unknown. At this point, it seems that the WASP-Zionist alliance prefers India over China. It does not seem that there is any WASP or Zionist resistance to Usha-Vivek-Patel-Haley in the GOP, or Kamala as an Indian American at the top of the DNC.
This discussion of “logical alliances” between elites is not meant to empower the disaffected “left behind” members of the dissident right or far left. This isn’t a call to action, just analysis.12
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Thanks for reading.
A Description of New England (1616), Captain John Smith:
Bradford, William. History of Plymouth Plantation Ward and Downey, Ltd, Boston. 1896 p. 448.
Fraser, Rebecca. The Mayflower, (2017). Page 47.
J. Edgar Hoover: The Man And The Secrets, by Curt Gentry, 1991.
Why exactly feminism emerged at this period, and not earlier, is for another article.
The Blue Moon Boys: the story of Elvis Presley’s band (2006):
For more reading on this subject, I recommend the work of John Murray Cuddihy.
Have you read Michael Knox Beran's book? I believe he identifies Vietnam (i.e. fumbled political legitimacy) as the end of the WASPS rather than the expansion of immigrant communities (and subsequent machine politics and organized crime) from Southern and Eastern Europe.
Alternatively, Adrian Wooldridge argues WASPs largely voluntarily surrendered political power by creating the modern meritocracy.
I think your thesis here believes too much in the inter-ethnic conflict and the relationship between traits and ethno-cultural groups. WASPs themselves, as an American phenomenon, are themselves an ethnogenesis that isn't only British and there were of course substantial regional differences between WASP elite. For isntance, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, and John C. Calhoun were all dissimilar WASP elite.
Really enjoyed the article, however I think your analysis may overlook the subtle but ongoing influence and endurance of established old money WASP families like the Rockefellers, Du Ponts, Mellons, etc.
Unlike today's celebrity politicians and super-billionaire tycoons like Musk and Bezos, who dominate headlines, these older lineages have cultivated a patrician style of wealth and influence dispersed across many foundations, trusts, political and corporate boards, and policy networks.
Their approach to power has always been more understated and diffuse, circulating through high-level policy organizations (Council on Foreign Relations), philanthropic entities (Rockefeller Foundation), premier cultural institutions (museums, universities, think tanks), and centuries-old social networks. You are correct that over time, these institutions have partially “de-ethnicized,” diluting any overt identification with an ancestral Protestant lineage, yet the underlying influence mechanisms and connections remain very much intact.
This more understated, institutional approach means the old WASP elite retains significant behind-the-scenes influence—just not in a way that’s as publicly visible or tied to individual celebrity.