A lot of these Russia defenders "who hate the west" ironically become super defensive when you point out Russia is not the west. They instinctually argue when you point out lack of political freedoms or Russia being poor rather than say "well, that's good they don't have any political agitation" or that "wealth makes you decadent".

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To answer your first question; they taped quite a few in the 90s war, and with the encouragement of the retrograde neocon element in the U.S. regime, Deep State, media at the time. Many of the usual suspects actually set up a front group at the time called something like ‘Justice for Chechnya or something.

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Raped not ‘taped’ though that latter isn’t far removed from truth as Chechens kidnapped Russian civilians and tried to ransom them off in several tragic cases.

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Good that Russian fanbois are getting a dose of reality. Nice prophetic techno-Moses flourish at the end.

There's a book published in 2014 -- Peter Pomerantsev's Nothing is True and Anything is Possible: The Surreal Heart of the New Russia -- that paints a clear picture of what is going on over there. The tl;dr is that the Russian state runs on a kind of postmodern authoritarianism. It beats its subjects over the head with incoherent chaos -- the more dissonant, varied, contradictory, and confusing, the better. The government both promotes and cracks down on stuff like Nazis, Islamic fundamentalism, the gay scene, etc. The idea is that if people don't know what to trust, they become passive, submissive, pessimistic, and apathetic.

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Kind of like Americans, Canadians, and Western Europeans are these days.

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Don’t know Milo personally but uh nothing turned him gay he just is. That top tier queen affect is born not made.

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Also, Priests can sense proto-gayness in kids. They know which kids won’t be believed or won’t tell. So, if Milo was molested, his then protogayness made him a target. In other words, the causality is reversed. The priest picks the proto gay to molest. The molestation doesn’t turn an erstwhile proto straight kid into a gay adult.

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In all honesty I think most of dissident right just supports Russia out of spite. In many ways they are kinda like Satan in Paradise Lost. They are in a constant state of seething and coping. They dilute themselves into believing that it is better reign in hell than to serve in heaven. Or in their case it’s better to shill for Russia/China than to serve the interests of the west. Was Satan the original Chud?

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Or maybe just maybe because ‘we’ realize our worst enemies are domestic and comprise our very own business and political ruling elites and have better sense of priorities than keyboard Fukuyamaists out here.

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I don’t have any faith in Silicon Valley tech leaders to act the part of the Mongol khan. Elon musk and Peter thiel, the most reactionary of them, still support immigration and open markets. And their money is dwarfed by the sheer amount of money sunk into progressivism.

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No dedovshchina and gachimuchi mentioned?

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Thanks for writing this. I had always just assumed Russia was different on these things.

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Russia has always been the reversed mirror of the west, at least since 1917. What was communism if not a reversed capitalism? What is Putinism today if not a reversed kind of US style liberalism?

A famous quote from Kissinger said: "the more I talk with Russian, the more I understand there are not so many differences with us".

Many opinionated what Kissinger actually meant, but now we have all the tools to understand it.

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Same can be said of modern China. Palladium podcast has very good episodes discussing this.

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These are issues many Russian nationalists have spoken of for a while, and Dissident Right who do love Russia and care for or admire its people speak on this as well.

It's part of the gradual awareness the ruling class of this world is, essentially, hegemonic.

Illusions of heroic resistance, conflict, and competition are just that, illusions.

Rurik Skywalker has a great series detailing the connections between the (predominant Jewish) figures of the late USSR under Andropov who worked closely with "the West" to internally detonate the USSR, and then installed Putin and much of the post-collapse "Russian" Federation government.

Basically, it's an occupation government, and everything it has done and does is designed to extract from, expend and replace the Russian people while stripping non-resourcr extractive industries.

People who ignore this are operating under delusions of hope and propaganda.

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