Nepotism is the tendency of organisms to privilege their kin. This is the foundation of genetic similarity theory, and proceeds from the selfish gene theory of Richard Dawkins.
Dawkins claims that altruism is a group selective behavior, and a consequence of evolutionary pressure. Organisms which privilege their kin will be more successful as a species, even though individuals incur sacrifices. In Mein Kampf, Hitler refers to the spirit of sacrifice as “idealism,” and states that idealism is the foundation of all heroism and state formation, and the primary distinguishing characteristic of Aryans when compared to other races.
The most basic form of nepotism is found in reproductive organisms. All animals mate with their own kind, and we could term this “sexual nepotism.” Animals which sexually select for highly specific characteristics could be described as more nepotistic, whereas animals which are less selective are less nepotistic. Certain species of iguanas, lizards, and peacocks all engage in bizarre or unique mating rituals to determine who they will mate with. On the other hand, different breeds of dog will reproduce almost at random with any other breed.
Nepotism is related to R/K selection. An R-selective strategy will seek partners from many genetic clusters, for maximum genetic diversity, and the broadest chance of survival. A K-selective strategy will eliminate foreign genetic clusters from the mating pool so that the offspring can be as genetically similar as possible. If you plan to have millions of offspring, the genetic similarity of your offspring is not as relevant as if you only plan to have 8 offspring.
Nepotism is a spectrum. The only way to eliminate nepotism entirely is to eliminate reproduction, and to embrace anti-natalism. The Catholic priest is sterile so that he does not privilege his own offspring over the universal. This is contrary to life itself, and represents the distillation of the priestly ideal. The liberal cat-lady is also fueled by this same spirit.
The political left represents a coalition between the least sexually selective and the most anti-natal. Low sexual selectivity, fortunately, does not mean high fertility. While R/K selection deals with fertility and number of offspring, and sexual selectivity is evolutionarily related to this, the “dependent class” does not have high fertility, possibly because welfare suppresses fertility:1
"Welfare recipients have a relatively low fertility rate. This rate is below that of women in the general population and is not an artifact of a more favorable demographic structure. Furthermore, the longer a woman remains on welfare, the less likely she is to give birth."
Low-selectivity single mothers with low parental investment depend on the patronage of childless cat-lady social workers. The two groups work together to siphon off resources from productive classes. The middle class is defined by a high level of parental investment. This is an example of “high-low vs the middle” on a spectrum ranging from low selectivity, to high selectivity, to anti-natalism.
The full embrace of nepotism could be represented by the incest of ancient Egypt. However, this is deceptive. Incest was not common, but reserved for the nobility. Looked at as a whole, a society which practices cousin marriage systemically is more nepotistic than Egyptian royalty.
By clearly seeing the full spectrum of nepotism, we can see it from a relative view. The Hajnal line in Europe shows the power of anti-nepotism. Nepotism is a weakness, in that it forfeits dynamic merit in favor of conformity to a static type. But it is also the basis of reproductive life itself: the desire to unite with one’s own kind.
The dynamic tension between nepotism and meritocracy produces a sweet spot in the middle. When nepotism is inverted, and resources are redistributed according to victim status, competence is low. When nepotism is maximized, and resources are distributed according to tribal interests, competence also remains low. It is only if both nepotism and moralism are low that competence can be maximized.
While nepotism is the evolutionary strategy of tribal groups in urban settings (India, the middle east), victimary moralism is the evolutionary strategy of large states and bureaucracies. Victimary moralism is essentially a strategy of state capture of dependent classes, pacification, and enslavement.
In a victimary moral system, citizens are sorted into dependents, functionaries, and enemies. Dependents are the blameless victims who survive off the state; functionaries are the bureaucrats who facilitate the transfer of wealth; everyone else is effectively an enemy, the “privileged.”
This enemy status first acts on an internal level, by creating guilt and shame. Those in the enemy status may seek to disguise themselves as functionaries, until the point where they actually become functionaries. For example: a middle class family donates to charity, votes Democrat, adopts the children of drug addicts, and pays their taxes. All of these acts are meant to disguise their own status as an “enemy,” and to be perceived as siding with the dependents and functionaries.
The deception, here, is self-deception. Middle class liberals aren’t necessarily trying to hide their enemy status from others, but from themselves. This has been covered in a host of “anti-racist” literature, like Tim Wise’s White Like Me, or Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility. Anti-racist literature identifies the strong cultural trait within whites to be “good people,” who “don’t see color.” Wise and DiAngelo attempt to attack this form of self-deception — you cannot be a good white ally unless you fully dedicate your life to serving the dependent class. Even then, you will always be privileged, and never attain the status of a dependent.
Although dependents are at the top of the victimary hierarchy, since they have no political power, they are simply scapegoats used by the functionary class to justify its existence. This is a refashioning of the Christian religion.
In Christianity, Jesus is the ultimate victim, and he is at the top of the spiritual hierarchy. However, Jesus cannot speak for himself, and needs a bureaucracy of functionaries (priests) to mediate on his behalf. Everyone who is not a priest is an enemy (sinner). Even the priests claim to be sinners, just as Wise and DiAngelo will tell you that they have deep “unconscious” racism.
Congressman Adam Schiff calls racism the original sin of our nation. Schiff is not a Christian, but he plagiarizes Christianity, uses its mythological structure, and forwards a post-Christian religion as the basis of a new America priest class.
For 1,000 years, Christianity sucked up 10% of Europe’s income through tithing. That income sometimes went to useful projects in science or history. Some monks investigated philosophy or read Aristotle, and even manufactured useful products like parchment or wine. But their lives could not have been entirely “efficient.” Much of medieval Catholicism was dedicated to vain repetitions, memorization, pedantic dogma, obscure doctrine, or even potentially bizarre and perverse teachings. The destruction of Greek and Roman art, the burning up of philosophy and libraries, the banning of pagan schools and the cutting of sacred groves can all be viewed in this light.
In the same way, the woke left sucks up more than 10% of our economy. Welfare accounts for 18% of the government’s budget, while Social Security and Medicare accounts for 36% (2023). This totals $3.3 trillion dollars, which is about 13% of the total economy ($25 trillion).
This seems to be a worse state of affairs than medieval Europe, since monks and priests were likely engaged in more useful labor than American welfare recipients. Yet, historically speaking, it is comparable in many respects, and does not represent the end of civilization.
Are we collapsing?
The woke left can be viewed as a tax in two forms:
Direct redistribution of wealth from productive classes to dependents;
Ideological taxations; the promulgation of lies and distractions.
The first constitutes 54% of the government’s budget, and 13% of the country’s GDP. The second is more difficult to measure. Rightists maintain that affirmative action is causing planes to fall out of the sky, but this is entirely based on propagandistic anecdotes, yellow journalism, and sensational hyper-focus on every little nut and bolt loose in an airplane.
Between 1970 and 2001, it was not unheard of for more than 2,000 people each year to die in airplanes. This is despite the fact that during this period, there were less than 500 million to 2 billion passengers. By adjusting for the number of passengers, this would be equivalent to between 4,000 to 8,000 people dying every year in planes. In reality, only 72 people died in 2023 in a commercial plane, in the entire world. If “diversity” determines how many people die in planes, then there must have been more affirmative action in 1970 than there is in 2024. Or else the concerns of rightists are anecdotal and not based in reality.
Rightists also maintain that because of the woke left, crime is at an all time high. This is not true.
Rightists claim to love crime stats, but have trouble looking at them. Theft saw a slight uptick after 2020, especially in cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles. I maintain that these are artificial conditions imposed upon the city by real estate speculators, hoping to drive up the price of suburban real estate by the following scheme:
Step 1: create a crime panic in the city among urban families.
Step 2: promote the suburbs as a safe haven from crime.
The result is that suburban real estate becomes hyperinflated by urban families seeking to escape crime. This is an artificial wealth transfer of billions of dollars into the hands of real estate speculators. It does not represent a significant increase of crime overall, but is a criminal enterprise carried out in limited urban areas.
From 1990 to 2019, the black murder rate fluctuated between 4.98x and 6.35x the white rate. In 2021, that shot up to 7.38x, and in the subsequent year, subsided to a more historically normal figure of 6.53x. Hopefully this trend continues, and the black murder rate regresses to the mean this year. After all, if behavior is biologically determined, the amount of policing (environment) shouldn’t matter. If black violence is a result of biology rather than culture, then no amount of threats of punishment should be able to stop it.
Speaking of police: in 2009, America employed 2.992 police officers for every 1,000 citizens. In 2022, that number was down to 2.725 per 1,000 citizens. In 2007, there were 1.6994 / 1,000 citizens on probation or parole. In 2021, that was down to 1.127 /1,000. Over the same period, the prison population decreased from 5.3/1000 to 3.69/1000, and the jail population from 2.59/1000 to 1.99/1000.2
In other words: we have less police, put less people on probation, put less people in jail, and still have lower crime. Some crime wave, huh?
If none of that convinces you, and you still believe America is on the brink of total collapse, consider variations in violent crime across the country. New Mexico is the worst, with 8 violent crimes per 1,000 citizens. That is at least 4x higher than the most peaceful states, like Maine. What this shows is that many states could afford to double, triple, or even quadruple their crime rate, and still be behind New Mexico. New Mexico has functioning roads, schools, and national parks. Average income is $31,063. Meanwhile, the average income in the European Union is $28,361 (in dollars, 2022). Hardly a collapse in civilization.
The woke left does not present a historically unique or unusual challenge to western civilization. Instead, the woke left has largely filled the vacuum left by Christianity, mimicking its mythological structure and sucking up a similar proportion of GDP: about 13%. While affirmative action and crime-gone-wild could potentially be a problem in the future, the United States could handle a 4x increase in crime (represented by New Mexico) and still be competitive with the current economy of the European Union. Planes are not falling out of the sky.
Hyperpolarizing has led to apocalyptic predictions. “The sky is falling!” The left believes Trump is about to bring back the Death Camps™, while Qanon thinks that AOC will be putting patriots into Gulags in the next three months. Predictions that America is collapsing economically, criminologically, or technologically all fit a pattern of what is essentially wishful thinking.
Hysterics on the left and right both believe that America is collapsing, largely because they are projecting anxieties concerning religion, psychology, and spirituality onto these more “material” concerns. This is understandable, and deserves sympathy, but like the ravings of a crazy person who needs serious help, the fact that these people deserve sympathy does not make these ravings accurate.
The real apocalypse in America is not financial, violent, or material. Instead, it is identitarian, mythological, and teleological. People have lost a sense of meaning and trust in authority. Fixing that problem is deeper and harder than paying off the national debt or throwing criminals in jail. It requires that we ask who we are on the level of soul. It is metaphysical and philosophical. Most people are not capable of asking such questions, let alone answering them. Hence, most people have no choice but to lie. They know something is wrong, but cannot articulate what “it” is. Russian and Chinese propagandists, who hate America, amplify these messages in an attempt to undermine their competition. If we are to fix the problem, we have to accurately diagnose it.
I do not begrudge those who react to this extreme “spiritual whiplash” — the speed at which we have switched from Christianity to wokism — by embracing white identity. But I also sense that this racial essentialism is merely reactive. Most white identitarians would not place such an importance on race if they did not feel “under attack.” As soon as Tim Wise and Robin DiAngelo lose their funding, white identitarianism will also wither away. A positive identity cannot be built merely on the sense of being “under attack.” It must have an outward, global, heroic quest.
Building a new religion for America is a Napoleonic task. It requires overcoming the folly of the revolutionaries, while not merely sliding back into the decrepitude of the reactionaries. While victimary moralism is a deceptive cult, it is as tolerable as the worst excesses of medieval Christianity. Racial nepotism is a logical counter-balance to this development, but in the face of genetic engineering, the idea of “preserving the race” will be challenged by “creating the race.” When facing such a future, the victors will be those who favor merit rather than inward-looking tribal incest.
(1989) Fertility Among Women on Welfare: Incidence and Determinants.
What do you make of the other factors that point toward collapse or at least catastrophe? I’m talking about climate change, the increasingly likely scenario that Israel or Ukraine pulls the US into a dangerous conflict, declining birth rates and the economic downturn that seems all but inevitable as a result of one or more of these things? That has me a lot more worried than crime etc.
Christianity did not ban pagan schools are burning libraries you just repeating myths