Thomas Jefferson wrote:
“The tree of liberty” must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants to sustain its natural manure.
Vivek Ramaswamy is making waves by suggesting that America needs to be renewed with the blood of foreigners. He claims that the original America was built by a culture that celebrates:
the math Olympiad champ over the prom queen;
the valedictorian over the jock.
The men of the Mayflower, King Philip’s War, and the Frontiersmen would not have recognized this vision of America.
This isn’t to say that education wasn’t important to the Puritans, or that the Founding Fathers weren’t men of letters, but that physical excellence, martial courage, and wilderness survival skills were just as important for America’s founding. Calculus and spelling bees would not have saved Roanoke Colony.
An Overview of Warrior-Presidents
Consider the legendary size and strength of George Washington, or the self-reliance and log-cabin construction work of Abraham Lincoln. Lest you think these are legendary exceptions:
Andrew Jackson was said to be so bloodthirsty that his opponents claimed he cannibalized the Indians that he killed, eating “a dozen of these Indian bodies for his breakfast.” Probably not true, but he was 6’1” and extremely violent. At 68 years old, when he was shot at by an assassin, he attacked the would-be assassin and beat him with a cane.
Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th president, was so talented at horse riding that he was already performing stunts on horseback at age 5. While at West Point, he set the high-jump record, which went unbroken for 25 years.
James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Rutherford B. Hays, James Garfield, Chester Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, and William McKinley all fought in wars.
Teddy Roosevelt’s “Strenuous Life”
Teddy Roosevelt was so manly that he beat asthma by forcing himself to adopt the “Strenuous Life,” which he described as a Spartan love of war and a hatred of peace:
Who among you would teach your boys that ease, that peace, is to be the first consideration in their eyes… you neither preach nor practise such a doctrine… We do not admire the man of timid peace… a healthy state can exist only when the men and women who make it up lead clean, vigorous, healthy lives… When men fear work or fear righteous war, when women fear motherhood, they tremble on the brink of doom; and well it is that they should vanish from the earth, where they are fit subjects for the scorn of all men and women who are themselves strong and brave and high-minded… Thank God for the iron in the blood of our fathers, the men who upheld the wisdom of Lincoln, and bore sword or rifle in the armies of Grant!
Teddy speaks directly to the degeneracy of the Chinese, although he could just as easily be addressing Indians:
We cannot, if we would, play the part of China, and be content to rot by inches in ignoble ease within our borders, taking no interest in what goes on beyond them, sunk in a scrambling commercialism; heedless of the higher life, the life of aspiration, of toil and risk, busying ourselves only with the wants of our bodies for the day… the nation that has trained itself to a career of unwarlike and isolated ease is bound, in the end, to go down before other nations which have not lost the manly and adventurous qualities.
Teddy describes the man who fears the jock:
The timid man, the lazy man, the man who distrusts his country, the over-civilized man, who has lost the great fighting, masterful virtues… They believe in that cloistered life which saps the hardy virtues in a nation, as it saps them in the individual; or else they are wedded to that base spirit of gain and greed which recognizes in commercialism the be-all and end-all of national life… neither was any nation ever yet truly great if it relied upon material prosperity alone… But our debt is yet greater to the men whose highest type is to be found in a statesman like Lincoln, a soldier like Grant… they recognized that there were yet other and even loftier duties—duties to the nation and duties to the race… weakness is the greatest of crimes…
Teddy wasn’t the last man to extol the virtues of the military:
After Teddy came FDR, Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
President Truman fought the Germans in World War I.
Eisenhower was a general.
JFK was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal.
George H. W. Bush was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.
Here’s a graph of the cumulative percent of presidents who have served in the military:
Here’s the same graph, but with only presidents with direct combat experience:
But Vivek seems to think that the thing holding Americans back is that we don’t study enough, and we need to place a greater emphasis on education in childhood.
Diminishing Returns of K-12 Education
I am a defender of college education, but I don’t think children need to spend more time studying. According to sebjenseb, PISA reading scores (which are measured at age 15) are not increased at all after spending $70k, cumulatively, over 9 years of education.
I support slashing K-12 spending, because it is glorified babysitting, and it subsidizes the natalism of the poor. Kids who are interested in learning already do so autodidactically. At age 14, I was learning about von Mises, and I know any intelligent child can do the same. There is very little benefit to forcing the average person to learn geometry. Most of the returns on education come after age 16. I also support lowering the age of college admission to 16.
Despite his insistence that children should stop hitting the balls and start hitting the books, Vivek might agree with me that we should slash spending on K-12 education. Where we disagree is in the cultural efficacy of forcing your children to overperform in tasks of memorization, rather than encouraging them to treat the brain as one of many physical organs, and to develop them all as a holistic system.
Vivek’s Revolutionary Vision
I call Vivek a Jewish prophet for two reasons:
First, he is engaging in an extreme revision of American history, a distortion so great that it can only be considered a fantastical act of myth-making.
Second, he is attempting to transform a nation of warriors and conquerors into a nation of scribes and merchants.
There is a parallel between the ancient Israelite Kingdom of David, whose strength was in military victory, with the founding of America by George Washington. At some point, this manly culture was conquered by foreigners (Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans), and the result was a retreat into specialization in writing, reading, and arithmetic.
America’s strength today comes from its military. I am open to the idea that Vivek is right to some degree, that physical virtues are becoming less salient in an age of drones and AI. My purpose here isn’t to debate immigration, which I discuss elsewhere. I also can’t say that I live up to Roosevelt’s Strenuous Life, since I spend most of my time typing on a laptop.
Rather, I wish to approach this pivotal historical moment in American history by comparing it with developments in the ancient Republic of Israel. I will delve into Jewish history and trace the progression of both Jewish ethnogenesis as well as Jewish religious codification.
I end my analysis around 275 BC, because I assume that by this point, the Mizrahim (Jews who did not migrate to Europe) largely resembled, in ethnic and religious terms, the Jewish people today. I will not be entertaining the Khazar Conspiracy, or addressing Jewish religious evolution after 275 BC. This is largely because Jewish religious transformation after 275 BC is better documented by Rabbinical sources in surviving manuscripts.
My purpose is to engage in speculation based on limited evidence, to draw parallels between the historical process affecting America today and those forces which shaped the emergence of Tanakhical Judaism. I will finish by pointing toward America’s future as a center for a new global religion which will unite disparate races in a new dispensation. In the same way that the Tanakh united the 12 tribes, America could unite various races of the world under a single doctrine, transforming an imperial legacy into a mercantile one.
Comparisons with Greek Religion.
Although Christians claim that their religion began in 33 AD, with the ministry of Jesus, the Bible was only codified in 325 AD. For 300 years, there was no such thing as “the word of God.” There were rumors, stories, parables, preachers, practices, rituals, and communities, all of which had various doctrinal disputes and variations.
Similarly, Judaism as a religion was first codified around 275 BC.
Moses, according to tradition, died around 1271 BC. If this were true, and he composed the Pentateuch, then the Israelite Bible should have been written down at this point. There is no evidence of an Israelite Bible dating back to this time, but that absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence.
For example, the Iliad is assumed to have been composed in the 7th Century BC, due to the many references to it, but the earliest Homeric fragment is dated to the 3rd Century BC. The earliest evidence of a Tanakh, or Israelite Bible, is the Ketef Hinnom scrolls, dated to 600 BC. If we were to apply the same timeframe to the Tanakh, we could assume that there were lost fragments of the Tanakh written around the 10th century BC, hundreds of years after Moses.
Despite being called scrolls, the Ketef Hinnom fragments are 99% pure silver. The text reads as follows:
May you be blessed by YHWH, the warrior/helper and the rebuker of evil:
May he bless you, YHWH, and keep you.
Make shine, YHWH, His face on you and grant you peace.
This corresponds to Numbers 6:24-26:
6:24 YHWH bless you and keep you;
6:25 YHWH make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
6:26 YHWH lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.
This gives us around 33 words of the Tanakh out of a total of roughly 306,757 Hebrew words. That means that least 0.01% of the Hebrew Bible was written at this point.
It would not be unusual if Judaism was evolving and changing during this period. Greek religion, for example, was still being updated. The events of the Trojan War took place around 1200 BC, at which point Greek religion was supposedly well-formed; yet the first Olympic Games were held in 776 BC. In 776 BC, we can assume that Greek religion was “finished” in a recognizable form, but this process occurred over 500 years.
Meanwhile, the reign of King David ended around 970 BC. The analogous figure to King David in Greek mythology would be Herakles, whose life is dated prior to the Trojan War. If Herakles and the Trojan War represent the “founding period” of Greek religion, then the “codifying period,” came more than 400 years later.
Whereas the foundational King David ruled around 970 BC, the corresponding time for writing about and mythologizing his life would be 570 BC — during the Babylonian Captivity.
My argument is that when historical events are mythologized, it is necessary for a sufficient number of generations to pass in order for historical memory to fade and be entirely replaced with mythology. It is possible for Americans to have maintained an oral tradition surrounding the Revolutionary War. For example, the last Civil War veteran died in 1956. Many towns, landmarks, and oral traditions attest to the reality of the Civil War, even without the benefits of photography or written traditions. In order for an event to pass out of the realm of history and into the realm of mythology, 400 years, or roughly 15 generations, seems standard.
This is an assumption on my part, and relies heavily on parallels between Greek, American, and Jewish mythogenesis.
Ivrit and Ashurit Script.
The Paleo-Hebrew script, or Ivrit script, looks nothing like the modern Hebrew alphabet, because the modern Hebrew alphabet derives from the Babylonian alphabet. Modern Hebrew script, called Ktav Ashuri (Assyrian Writing), or square script, was not developed until after 800 BC.
It would be surprising for any Jewish texts to predate the 10th Century BC, because there is no evidence of Ivrit existing prior to the 10th Century.
The Hebrew Bible, supposedly, is full of gematria, or secret numerical codes that are hidden by correspondences between Hebrew letters and numbers. But all these correspondences would be thrown into question if the entire alphabet was changed after the text of the Tanakh was completed. Either the Tanakh was composed in Ivrit, and then revised in Ashurit to add gematria to the text, or the original Tanakh could not have been composed until after 800 BC.
According to modern Jewish law, it is impure to write tefillin or mezuzot in any other script than Ashurit. Since the sacralization of the Ashurit cannot have occurred prior to its invention in 800 BC, this should be taken as the absolute limit of the earliest form of “Ashurit Judaism.”
Some Talmudic scholars have an excuse for this discrepancy: they claim that Ashurit was the original script of the Israelites, but that it was lost for hundreds of years, and then returned with Ezra the Scribe, in 500 BC.
After Ezra comes the Book of Malachi, which was supposedly composed around 400 BC. Even if it was composed in 400 BC, this does not necessarily mean that it was immediately or universally accepted or adopted by all Jewish sects.
Assembling a timeline:
The earliest mention of Yahweh doesn’t come from pro-Yahweh sources, but from anti-Yahweh sources. The Mesha Stele, dated to 840 BC, claims that Yahweh was part of a conspiracy of Israel to oppress Moab, but that the Moabites were successful at overthrowing Israel and Yahweh. The text of the inscription identifies Yahweh as a real God, but one who is ultimately inferior to Chemosh. The Moabites worshipped Chemosh and were referred to as “the people of Chemosh.”
One argument is that Judaism developed around 600 BC, with the religious reforms of King Josiah, who supposedly banned the worship of Gods other than Yahweh. But this is contradicted by archeological evidence from the Arad ostraca showing that the Israelites employed Greek mercenaries. This indicates a multi-ethnic and religiously tolerant empire, not one which excluded the worship of foreign Gods.
This is my guess as to the timeline:
1200 BC: Bronze Age Collapse. Mass migration of “Sea Peoples” from Europe around the Mediterranean causes religious and political chaos, including the Trojan War. These tribal confederations form the basis for a new ethnicity called “Israelite.” The expulsion of Sea Peoples from Egypt is inverted in mythology as the Exodus of Moses from Egypt. The migration of the Sea Peoples parallels the American passage of the Mayflower.
970 BC: The Israelite kingdom forms under David, who employs mercenaries of different ethnic and religious backgrounds, including Hittites and Greeks.
840 BC: The God Yahweh becomes famous enough that the Moabites begin to write propaganda against him.
800 BC: The Israelites adopt the Ashurit Script.
600 BC: The Israelites begin to compose the earliest verses of what later becomes the Hebrew Bible, around the time that Thales of Miletus (624 BC - 547 BC) was teaching philosophy. However, they still profess a belief in Elohim plural, rather than persecuting those who worship Gods other than Yahweh.
500 BC: Ezra institutes reforms to establish Ashurit as the holy script of the Israelites, formally replacing Ivrit.
400 BC: Earliest date for the completion of the Tanakh with the Book of Malachi. during the life of Plato (428 - 348 BC). However, despite the completion of the Tanakh, there are many other competing traditions to choose from, and Tanakh Judaism does not yet have a religious monopoly in Israel.
275 BC: Jews begin to be mentioned as a coherent and identifiable ethno-religious group in Greek sources. This follows the construction of the Library of Alexandria, in 285 BC.
An ethnicity like “Israelite” developed over centuries, and could have changed over time with new tribal alliances or immigration. Afterwards, the religion developed and did not become formalized until hundreds of years afterwards. Similarly, Anglo-Saxon tribes may have first formed in 1,000 BC, and then fused together in 500 AD, and only adopted a recognizable form of Christianity in 800 AD.
Vivek Ramaswamy as Jewish Prophet
Early Judaism was influenced by and mixed together many different religions: the Phoenician cult of the black cube; Pythagoreanism; Platonism; the worship of Dionysus; the worship of a “column of fire” and volcanoes; the worship of Ba’al, the Canaanite king of the Elohim; the cult of Yahweh, a storm God; the worship of heroes like Herakles (who becomes Samson); and the mythology of the Babylonian flood religion.1
To understand what the early prophets of Judaism looked like, imagine Vivek Ramaswamy: a foreign immigrant pretending to be the descendant of the Founding Fathers and Roman Empire, which he claims practiced racial equality. He knows this to be true, because he has read the sacred texts (the Constitution).
Anyone who disputes this claim is free to read the Constitution for themselves and prove him wrong, but with regard to 18th century legalese, most Americans are functionally illiterate. They could tell you what each of the words in the Constitution means, but who really has time to read all of that?
Vivek’s Constitution is not a complete perversion, since the Founding Father's themselves (even the slaveowners) espoused abolitionist views. The Constitution itself is a religious text from its beginning, written by Freemasonic revolutionaries.
248 years later, the Anglo-Saxon character of that religion has been gradually eroded by waves of Catholic, Jewish, and Asian immigration. Christian conservatives bow their heads before a Sikh woman praying to Waheguru. Mass immigration has produced an ecumenical, fanatical-fusionist, Qanon Deism, combining Judeo-Christian-Hindu-Islamic values into one. Similarly, early Judaism was also a fanatical syncretic cult with many contradictory elements, which only resolved after many centuries of Talmudic wrangling.
I would like to turn now away from chronological quibbling toward the qualitative origin of certain Jewish beliefs (or lack thereof).
Was the Egyptian Afterlife Derived from Hinduism?
One of the distinctions between Judaism and other religions is the lack of an afterlife. The Egyptians believed that, at the time of death, the soul was weighed against a feather. If it was heavy with sins, it would be consumed by Amat, a dragon of annihilation, who performs a similar function to the Greek guardian of the underworld, Cerberus. If the soul was light, it would then pass through a purgatory obstacle course of various challenges. Egyptians memorized prayers specifically to overcome these challenges, such as pits of snakes or lions. Once they made their way past this jungle of dangers, they finally arrived in the palace of heaven or garden of peace.
The Egyptian concept of the afterlife is a bifurcated form of reincarnation. In Hindu reincarnation, Karma dictates the form, time, and place of reincarnation. A murderer will be murdered; a rapist will be raped; but a kind man will receive kind parents, and a giving man will receive wealth.
The process continues endlessly, until finally the soul entirely renounces all worldly desires, both sinful desires (murder and rape) but also productive or dharmic desires (fighting wars, having children, marrying, raising a family, running the government, or making money). When a man entirely withdraws from society and all social duties and interactions, and he is fully tired of life, then he can escape from the cycle of rebirth in the realm of obstacles and challenges (Earth and its variations) and join the Gods in the heavenly plane.
Eventually, Hinduism developed the claim that even the Gods are subject to certain trials and tribulations (the attacks of Ravana in the Ramayana, the challenge of Arjuna in the Mahabharata), and there is an even higher plane than the plane of the Gods, which is the realm of Krishna.2
The Egyptian bifurcation of the complexities of reincarnation into a simple choice between heaven and annihilation represents a mythological “creole.” That is, when mythologies are transferred across cultural or linguistic lines, they pass through a “telephone game” where complexity is lost and the result is an oversimplification of the original doctrine. This indicates that the simpler Egyptian religion derives from a more complicated concept of reincarnation, as represented in Hinduism.
The idea that the goal of life is to attain peace in heaven, after renouncing all earthly desires, does not originate from the Indo-European culture, which invaded India speaking Sanskrit. Instead, that pacifistic idea comes from the earlier culture which was invaded, the Dravidian “natives” of India.
Originally, Dravidians are not native to India, but migrated from Iran between 12,000 and 7,000 years ago. They either traveled to India as a result of the invention of agriculture, or in the aftermath of the Black Sea flood, which sent refugees in all directions, leading to a series of great migrations. In either case, the concept of a peaceful afterlife is present in Egyptian and Dravidian religion, but is not found in Indo-European religion.
Footnote on Zoroastrianism
One piece of the puzzle missing from this discussion is the relation of Zoroastrianism to the afterlife, and also the relation of Zoroastrianism to these other religions. Was Zoroastrianism influenced by or descended from Hinduism? Zoroastrianism is dualist like Egyptian mythology (divided between good and evil), rather than trinitarian like Hinduism.
Does Zoroastrianism represent a mid-point between those two systems? Unfortunately, unlike Sanskrit and Egyptian hieroglyphics, the Avestan religion was orally transmitted rather than written down. As a result, the written sources cannot reliable help us understand the chronology of Zoroastrianism, or how it might have changed over time.3
Judaism as atheist nationalism.
The lack of emphasis on an afterlife in Judaism is unusual, given that so many of its constituent parts espoused a belief in reincarnation or judgment. This is possibly because Judaism was an inherently secular and political religion, and so salvation and judgment were depicted as the success or failure of the nation as a political and military entity. This reflects the precarious and stressful environment of the Levant during the genesis of Judaism, between Babylonian, Persian, and Greek conquests.
How could Judaism be invented in 275 BC if the Bible is full of historical records and genealogies stretching back thousands of years? What about the Hyksos, the Ibiru, and even the name Israel, which all were recorded by the Egyptians? What about King Saul, King David, and King Solomon?
To use an American metaphor: were the Puritans American prior to 1776? They must have had some sense of “Americanness” prior to independence. When was the first American born? Geographically, Europeans began forming families in America in the 1620s. Is it accurate then to say that those babies were Americans?
Politically and legally: no, they were subjects of the British crown. But culturally, spiritually, or psychologically, they may have been part of a spectrum of American identity, ranging from full conscious identity to “nascent” or even subconscious identity.
If the Puritans were American, were they American on the Mayflower? It seems arbitrary to say that the passage of the Mayflower from England across the Atlantic produced an entirely new species of human, called “American.” That the passage, being brutal and difficult, helped shape and form early proto-American identity. But the decision to move to America must also be considered part of the proto-American story. In what way were the Puritans different before they stepped aboard the Mayflower?
The Mayflower has become the Ship of Theseus! If we remove one plank at a time from the concept of an American (legal, political, geographic), when does Americanness disappear? There is no strict dividing line between the Puritans who stepped aboard the Mayflower, and those who did not.
The Ship of Theseus, or the impossibility of determining the exact moment of ethnogenesis, can only be answered retroactively, in mythological terms. Zeus gives birth to the kings of Greece, through Herakles. The Goturks are descendants of the she-wolf Asena. Jews are descended from Jacob, renamed Israel after he wrestled with an angel and witnessed the face of God.
But reality is not so clean. Instead of 12 tribes descended from Jacob, it is possible that the 12 tribes represent 12 nations of the Middle East, a sort of “United Nations” of that time. The Tower of Babel myth seems to speak out against this, but maybe the problem with Babel is that it was not authorized by God’s covenant. Maybe the lesson of Babel is not anti-globalism, but against non-Yahweh approved globalism. The message isn’t that globalism is impossible, but since all things can only be done with God’s help, globalism must be authorized by God to be successful.
Christians claim to be “grafted onto the tree of Abraham.” For early Jews, this would not have been so difficult, since they were all (as Semites) already descendants of Abraham. Later on, ethnic groups like the Irish claimed to have some descent from Egyptians or Scythians, based on their reading of the text (and wishful thinking). If the Irish can LARP as Scythian-Egyptians, why can’t early Jews LARP as Israelites?
I’m not claiming that there wasn’t ever a nation of Israelites, but that other groups were “grafted onto” them.
I also don’t mean to lend credence to the Khazar Conspiracy.4 The Khazar Kingdom came much later. Jews are, genetically speaking, Semitic, or Middle Eastern, with more recent Europe admixture following the destruction of the Second Temple.
Taking the concept of 12 tribes ethnographically, here were several groups that the Jews claimed descent from, and they syncretized these groups together, in the same way that the Irish claimed descent from Scythians and Egyptians. The Scythians and Egyptians are real nations, and the Hebrews, Israelites, and the 12 tribes themselves all correspond to genuine ethnic groups inhabiting the Middle East.
If my speculations are correct, there are striking parallels between the founding of America and the founding of the ancient Israelite Kingdom:
Both were founded by pirates or refugees who sailed from far-away lands, who formed confederations descended from various nations, or tribes;
Both established federated states under the rule of a warrior king, David and Washington;
Both were inundated with foreigners. In the case of the Israelites, these foreigners were Hittite, Greek, Babylonian, Persian, and Roman. In the case of WASP America, these foreigners were Jewish, Catholic, and now Asian.
Both began as military empires, but over time, found their military position threatened and turned toward mercantile pursuits.
Judaism had a number of prophets or patriarchs who organized the various tribes together into a single new ethnicity. Vivek could serve this purpose for a new American ethnicity, composed of equal parts WASP, Catholic, Jewish, and Asian. Such a combination would, in Vivek’s opinion, be best suited to the study of mathematics and engineering rather than being focused on physical beauty or athletic competition.
It is the style on Twitter to pass moral judgment on Vivek and declare his vision to be “anti-American.” On the contrary, I see him in the style of Jewish prophets who created a new nation over time out of a confederation of diverse peoples.
It wasn’t just the Jews who achieved this. The Romans were also composed of three tribes: the Ramnes, Tities, and Luceres.
In the ethnographic theory, the Ramnes were Latins; the Tities were Umbrians (Samnites and Sabines); and the Luceres were Etruscans. Out of these three peoples, the Roman ethnicity was formed. The Romans established an independent state from the Etruscans in 753 BC. Eventually, the Etruscans were wholly conquered by the Romans, and made into Roman citizens in 90 BC.
Virgil claimed further that the Latin people, who formed the Ramnes tribe, were descended from a mixture of Italians and Trojan refugees, through the line of Aeneas. There seems to have been an ancient obsession with “pirates who sail across the sea and found new states.” While this may have been fictional in the case of the Aeneid, Virgil’s motivation in ascribing this founding to Rome may have come from his desire to relate Rome to other states genuinely founded in this way.
In the wake of the Bronze Age Collapse, many states were founded, including Sparta, Athens, the Etruscan Kingdom, and ancient Israel. The magnitude of the cataclysm can only be compared to the collapse of the Incan, Aztec, Mayan, and Cahokian Civilizations, either just before or shortly after the arrival of “Sea Peoples” from Europe.
The founding of new states on the American continent occurred rapidly, and in a short few centuries, the colonists who arrived in America were able to turn their boats around and return as conquers to Europe. Since 1945, Europe has been a junior partner to America, and falls further behind each day.
Since the 1990s, Japan has become the global symbol of “stagflation”: an economy which reaches a certain level of development, but goes no further. But despite decades of slow or negligible growth, Japan still comes out ahead of Europe.
Europe has exhausted its Faustian potential, and the mantle of world hegemon now lies somewhere floating between America and Asia. If Vivek represents the future, then the character of this coming civilization will undoubtedly be more meticulous, more pecuniary, exacting, measured, cautious, scrutinizing sitcoms for any trace of jockishness, shielding children from the horrors of athleticism, denouncing “proms” as a perverse corruption…
Isolating children from their peers and forcing them to jump through the hoops of bureaucratic credentialism at an early age represents a clear break with the martial and sportsmanlike culture of the American founding. What Vivek is proposing is nothing less than a spiritual revolution, a reimagining of American virtue as centered around the Imperial Examination, where the highest good is to serve as a scribe in the civil service.
![8 Co-Champions Named In 2019 Scripps National Spelling Bee : NPR 8 Co-Champions Named In 2019 Scripps National Spelling Bee : NPR](,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Rome made the same transformation. The virile, sexually violent Romans became the celibate, cloistered priests of the Roman Catholic Church. Generals became Popes. Vivek wants to replace Daniel Boone with spelling bee champions.
My purpose here wasn’t to make a racial, genetic, xenophobic, or ethnocentric argument in favor of preserving America’s white majority. So assume that mass non-white immigration is inevitable — what kind of immigration will it be? And once the immigrants arrive, what kind of culture will they assimilate into?
Warrior cultures can be found all over the world, as can mercantile ones. If America were to offer visas on the basis of athletic ability, or military service, that would develop a very different culture from the one that Vivek is describing.
In Vivek’s mind, the only virtues which exist are intellectual, and to question this dogma is evidence of superstitious, backwards, primitive, or racist thinking. I’ll leave this article with a question:
Do you think that this monomania for the pedantic qualities which Teddy Roosevelt called “over-civilized” has anything to do with the death spiral of our birth rates and our bedrooms? Can civilization survive, if it is not sexy?
I speculate this myth comes from the Black Sea flood, 5600 BC.
This was not a true innovation, but a removal of Vedic elements which had inserted themselves over the Dravidian doctrine. In the same way, the Protestant Reformation sought to strip Catholicism of certain pagan elements.
It is entirely possible that Zoroastrianism, as it was finally written down, represents a reformed or “Protestant” version of the original religion. Similarly, our concept of Norse mythology is entirely based on Christian-influenced sources from the 12th century. What is clear in Norse mythology is that there was a war between Aesir and Vanir, and the Aesir won. This indicates that the original religion of the Norse worshipped the Vanir, and the Aesir represent an invading foreign set of Gods, most likely from the south or east.
The Khazar Conspiracy has religious motivations, to prove that either the Jews did not kill Jesus, or to prove that the Jews are not real Jews, but fake Jews.
There is a significant positive correlation between IQ and athletic performance.
i liked whiplash honestly, he was already very good at drums but he just pushed beyond his own limits. Kinda inspiring as someone who plays an instrument although I wouldn't wanna take my life down a path that hellish