Sep 9Liked by DeepLeftAnalysis

I like this; being offensive from the left is good. Also, Ford was secretly pro-choice: https://www.nytimes.com/1998/01/20/us/ford-urges-gop-to-drop-abortion-issue-and-shift-center.html

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A lot of early eugenicists were pro-choice, so this isn't terribly surprising.

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Interesting article. I am pro-choice on abortion though want to see a boost in white fertility rates of course. I think abortion serves positive eugenic purposes otherwise.

I hate Republicans and Libertarians on economics and many social issues. Wall Street and big pharma, big tech are our enemies as their globalist race to the bottom policies impoverish the white working classes along with endless mass immigration of all kinds, whether Pajeet ‘computer programmers’ imported by Big Tech or mestizo peons brought in agribusiness and other industries to undercut our native working classes and suppress wages.

I couldn’t disagree with you more on foreign policy issues, and incidentally, non-interventionism is not ‘isolationism.’ We have no existential conflicts with either Russia or China and China neither had the means nor desire ‘to take over the world. You sound like a neocon here. I could personally care less about Taiwan. It isn’t worth one white (American) life, quite bluntly. China is a formidable military power in its own right and doesn’t need Russia to severely damage the U.S. military in East Asia. Chinese ambitions are largely confined militarily and geopolitically to East Asia. They are and will remain the dominant power I. The region yet can be contained by a bloc encompassing Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and possibly including India. There can be a balance of power in the region without the United States direct involvement.

The troops can come home and bases and can be closed finally once and for all. The Japanese, Koreans, etc are fully capable of taking care of themselves without the direct involvement of the United States.

In Europe, NATO should be disbanded and all U.S. troops and bases closed and withdrawn. We have been prodding and meddling where we don’t belong and have no vital national interests in which country rules Crimea or Donbas. NATO should have been disbanded after the USSR and Warsaw Pact alliance dissolved.

NATO only exists to maintain United States hegemony and control over European affairs. As the old saying goes; To keep The Americans in, The Russians out, and The Germans down. It’s all about fucking over the Germans and keeping them as vassals. Americanism furthermore is a subversive cancer that corrupts Europe. There will never be any possibility of fundamental change in Europe politically and socially as long as it’s in vassalage to the United States and its criminal political and economic elites.

I support Russia fully in the SMO and in its desire to control its sphere of interest in what was the former USSR. Thinking Ukraine could ever be integrated into the EU or NATO is pure folly. It’s not going to be happening. Ukraine is losing the war and will agree to a truce with Russia sooner or later. Both sides will not get everything they seek though the current regime in Kiev may not survive and will not regain Crimea or Donbas. The price will be neutrality and no NATO membership.

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I disagree that some cultures don't want to take over the world. I think there are differences in degrees of expansion historically, and some of that can be explained by mythic structures (inward looking cultures vs outward looking adventurous cultures). Even if that were true, I value expansive cultures, and think that America should be expansive, because expansion is a moral good in itself. I don't think that any country is confined by anything besides sheer force and incompetence. China is far too competent now, and the only solution is sheer force (which could come in the form of economic sanctions, which I would prefer over open warfare, but it's still a form of coercion and "trade war").

I don't think Europeanism offers anything favorable to Americanism. Europe without America is a Russian vassal, which is depressing in my opinion. Ukraine could easily be integrated into NATO with enough threatening force applied. I agree that the war should have ended in 2022, but believe that America should have directly put troops on the ground in Ukraine, surrendered the Donbas and Luhansk, and conducted a full-scale integration / occupation to re-organize Ukraine. Ukrainians are no less capable of European integration than Slovaks, they just need some help. I'm happy to sound like a neo-con, but I prefer the term neo-liberal, because I'm not pretending to be an evangelical Judeo-Christian family values respecter. (neo-Roman would be best, but that may be a bridge too far)

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America and Americanism are cultural and racial cancers on Europe. Europe can do fine without Wall Street and Hollywood corrupting its culture and societies. America is not expending into anything but is in decline and the empire is economically and militarily unsustainable over the long term. The plutocrats and degenerate liberals celebrated by the likes of Richard Hanania and Richard Spencer won’t lift a finger to protect our own borders not the interests of the core population of this country.

Russia is not going to dominate Europe as it has enough trouble maintaining control within its own sphere of influence (including Ukraine). What scares the shit out of soulless Anglo moneybags and their Jewish friends (especially neocons) is the distinct possibility that Europe might break free of American vassalage led by Germany and if they go the rest of Europe will flow. I’d like to see a German-Russian-French partnership with ‘Anglos’ expelled from Europe.

I don’t lose any sleep personally about China nor care whst happens to Taiwan. As stated in my previous post, we can give Japan, SK, and the rebellious province on the island of Formosa tactical nukes and our good wishes, then depart the yellow world and beck to our corner of The Pacific.

You and I are on opposite sides evidently on Ukraine. Fuck turn and NATO trash. My issues are domestic not centered around phony foreign threats designed to divert attention from what is happening at home.

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I don't think Europe would do fine without America, I think it would be Russian. I think Russia has a history of doing that. Ukraine is only surviving because of NATO -- without NATO, Ukraine would have been conquered in 2 weeks. I'm ethnically Jewish and culturally Anglo. It sounds like you have some kind of superstitious hatred of those two groups -- are you an Irish Catholic or something?

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Nah, it wouldn’t be ‘Russian. That’s the silliest take I’ve heard. Do you actually believe if all U.S. bases were closed and its ramshackle affirmative action freakshow of a military were withdrawn tomorrow the Russian army would be storming to The Channel? Total nonsense. Russia is having enough problems fighting Ukraine in Donbas.

Aren’t all Americans to some extent ‘culturally Anglo’? Are ‘Anglo money bags’ and ‘aristocracy ‘ beyond criticism or something? The United States also fought Britain twice and played a pivotal role in destroying its empire after WWII.

I have no problem with decent Jews particularly but Zionist shills for Israel and lunatic neocons are another matter.

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Russia would occupy Europe in the same way that America occupies Europe. No storming required.

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Russia is not strong enough to fully buy out Europe. Some politicians wanted a sort of Eurasian alliance between the two, but the Ukraine conflict has scuttled such plans.

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Strength is relative

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Russia has always been defensive related to Europe after repeated attempts to fragment or conquer it, lately by Globohomo headquartered on Wall Street.

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Again, I disagree that you can extrapolate intentions from incompetence.

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I support Russia here . No Russian ever called me a Nazi or racist.

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I’m generally agnostic on religion though believe ‘something’ beyond the material world exists.

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Per Schmitt I make proper friend/enemy distinctions on a political, social, economic, and cultural basis. By all the aforementioned criteria my greatest enemies are domestic and centers in Manhattan, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and Washington D.C. and not corporate media manufactured foreign boogeymen designed to divert the attention of the American sheeple from what their own rulers are doing to them.

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Amazing that the conclusion you derive from Schmitt is "I should betray my country because ideology." I'm sure that's exactly what Schmitt would have done.

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America isn’t ’a country’ but an economic zone and ‘populated space, to quote that neoliberal agent of misery and chaos, the late Strobe Talbot. Throwing disparate populations together and calling them ‘a nation’ doesn’t make it so nor are my economic, social, or cultural interests synonymous with those of our ruling elites. Their values and priorities aren’t mine? Shall I trundle over to Walmart and purchase a cheap Chinese manufactured copy of Old Glory and ‘support the troops’ in endless imperialist wars while stepping over homeless people sleeping on the street and sipping coffee served by an illegal alien in barely comprehensible English while reading about the latest corporate bankruptcy or rising parasitic ‘hedge fund manager’ in the latest edition of The New York Times or Wall Street Journal? You can have that nightmare of a society, embrace its values, fight and die for it, if you feel compelled to do so. Not me.

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I'm not in favor of Walmart, Chinese goods, the vagrancy crisis, mass migration, financial crimes and speculation, or waving the American flag either. The solution is to improve the country, not abandon it.

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More non-European mass immigration, globalism, and endless neocon-neoliberal meddling and ‘forever wars’ won’t improve it. Some reformed Classical Liberalism with imperialist characteristics isn’t the answer.

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I'm not a classical liberal, but I do believe in endless war. I have told you many times I'm not in favor of immigration in general, not sure why you're strawmanning me so hard.

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You’ve shifted and changed your views over the years. In some of your YouTube videos under Deep Jokuul you almost come across as some New Ager. Now, you’re a mix of Ayn Rand, Hobbes, and Ragnar Redbeard. ‘Eternal war is our fate.’ ‘Ground the peasants into hamburger.’

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Lmao - "Ukraine to NATO is a great idea because Russia is still "our" #1 enemy" ... nevermind this would dramatically increase likelihood of nuclear weapons being used.

Kinetic war with China is a "whatever" (insert sound of Cali valley girl vocal fry)

"Only Chinese misinformation is causing US soft power decline" ... while US is supporting a wholly unpopular country in ItsNotReal (e.g. UN resolutions only voted down by US + Pacific Island states + Israel) and peace talks in African, Ukraine conflicts taken to the Middle East or China without US mediation.

Continuation with Bretton Woods = definitely no hyperinflation in the future as interest rate payments rival / overtake Social Security payments

This n*gga is really just the same old "Everything is Fine (while fire in background" meme.

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I would prefer a trade war with China to a kinetic war. I don't think everything is fine. I also never said that Social Security wasn't a problem. I think anti-American attitudes from "patriots" are extremely destructive. I don't think our support for Israel is the fundamental cause behind this "anti-American patriot" attitude.

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How can we not be ‘anti-American.’ America is an anti- nation and the economic, cultural, and social force most destructive to healthy values of nation, community, race, etc on the planet. We need to think of terms of post-Americanism.

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What's your nation? The white race?

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Well, ‘the white race’ isn’t a nation though have more affinity for it than I do for ‘my fellow Americans’ like Barack Obama or Victoria Nuland. I don’t have a nation. There is no American nation to speak of. Anyone on the planet can be ‘American’ these days. It’s like saying you prefer Pepsi to Coca Cola. I do think the United States (along with Canada and Mexico) will fragment into more cohesive polities but time will tell.

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What's your religion?

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‘What’s my religion? Is that directed to me?

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I don’t identify with our elites and regard them as my economic and cultural enemies not as possible allies to be recruited. They have absolutely contesting to embrace anything but what is currently enriching them and maintaining their status and power.

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You argue that "elites seek to enrich themselves, and maintain their status and power." I agree, but you also make this statement hysterically, as if it is unnatural or unusual. Can you give me an example of elites who do not do this, in any country, at any point in history? Are you a Christian?

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In a healthy society elites are kept in check and subordinate to the interests of the society. Under plutocratic liberalism and money dominated ‘democracy’ this is impossible. The issue of the nature and interests of our current elites and whether those interests are good for the society as a whole and not about whether elites in general are a good or bad thing.

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Can you name one healthy society where "elites are kept in check and subordinate to the interests of the society"? Name one. Any country. Any time in the last 10,000 years? No? Just wishful thinking and moralism?

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China, Japan, much of Western Europe until fairly recently. What do we do with elites who despise ruff one people, race, and history?

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Be specific. Which was this Chinese, Japanese, and western elite class who was kept in check and subordinate to the people? Give a year and a name of a ruler or regime.

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Holy Roman governance did a good job of keeping the bourgeois elite from fully executing their rapacious whims. Until napoleon came along and blew it up.

The Chinese dynasties have never gone as far as current western elites have in terms of anti peasantry in x-thousand years of governance.

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*Their own *

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Pardon my typos. Typed on a smartphone rapidly. We know how crappy big tech is.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1

China did essentially pursue something like colonization. Dynasties repeatedly conquered or vandalized xinjiang, and later funded fleets to control piracy and the trade routes in Southeast Asia, even kicking the Dutch out of Taiwan at one point. The question of why China never colonized America seems to be answered by that it never made economic sense to. Consider that one of the things Spain did with their riches from the Americas was quickly spending it to buy Chinese products.

Wanting to extend pax American debt for as long as possible seems to be a path that would prevent renewal. Some sort of creative destruction seems necessary for ethnos to regenerate from the costs of empire. And the current debt empire is tied to hyper leftoids.

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I prefer hyper leftoids to collapse -- I think you would argue that leftoids make collapse inevitable, but I am not an accelerationist. I understand that our civic religion is flawed, but I would prefer to work with existing structures to force a renewal from within the elite. I think that's what Caesar accomplished, with the help of his Gallic allies. He wasn't wishing for a Germanic invasion or the collapse of "degenerate Rome." Eventually that did happen, but I see no point in speeding it up. There were a lot of great Roman writers, poets, and neo-Platonists in the two centuries after Caesar. I'm sure America will do some cool stuff in the next 200 years, despite some ideological issues. I am pretty optimistic.

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What the hell are ‘hyper-leftoids’? Is that ‘woke’ progressive liberalism? What might salvage something of traditional America won’t involve warned-over Classical Liberalism nor ‘free-market Capitalism.’

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America won’t be around in 200 years, at least nothing in any recognizable sense historically, culturally, demographically. The United States is fragmenting not growing more cohesive or powerful. It still is a wealthy, powerful superpower to be sure, but is in decline now not ascending.

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-Said Cicero to Caesar

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Rome 300 years later was essentially Greek. 600 years later, the Greek half was invaded by Slavs, Arabs, and then put to bed by Turks.

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Not contradicting me.

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I don’t doubt that in 200 years Americans might still produce notable inventions and works of art. I also think that if the American governance does not change drastically, there will be no Americans left in 300 years. Trading a century or two of productivity for longevity is the trade the far right wants to make, although how it would make it is unclear.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Author

Ok, well I am not far right, so I will take 200 years of productivity in exchange for an eventual collapse in 300 years.

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What ‘productivity? A’ nation of baristas and ‘sharp’ stock market swindlers won’t sustain a superpower.

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oil production, patents, military tech.

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Military tech, much of the components produced in China. Oil, fast running out. Fracking might keep the beast alive a bit longer. Patents? Easily subverted and ‘intellectual property’ stolen.

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Foreign policy isn’t a zero-sum game. A strong Russia aligned with Germany is better for Europe than a an Atlanticist Europe under the thumb of the United States which pushes further into the arms of China. The future is a multipolar world of different civilizations and regional powers not dominant superpowers attempting to remake the entire planet in its own image. America also badly needs to turn inward and heal its fast declining domestic infrastructure, economy, social and political life.

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My internet is dial up right now so in the interest of consolidating comment threads I'll post this here: The caveat on destroying the middle class is I think we have to consider the problem of military recruitment. So I am exaggerating but I simply want to get past the point where I am trying to score technical points against your arguments and understand that the limiting factor in our communication is mostly about sacred cows and religious axioms.

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I'm not in favor of a strong Europe, I'm in favor of everyone being under the thumb of America, and America remaking the world in its image. I think we can do that while working on infrastructure, economics, our social and political problems.

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China never had the capability to expend out of its sphere of influence nor much of a desire to do so.

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True; China is different now.

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The sphere of trade in Southeast Asia is bigger now owing to better sailing ships. It will end up touching Hawaii.

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