i don’t think this is a fair comparison.

astrology is very real and actually works and so can’t be compared to politics, which is fake and gay.

fun read!

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This pretty much lays out why I am aggressively apolitical in my "real life." I have never voted. I write about it anonymously on here for fun. I don't let it touch anything else.

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Caring about politics too much is brain worms, if you are not a millionaire you can’t affect it.

Intellectually I still don’t understand the slight pro democrat / progressive lean promoted in some of the articles. The vision and reality produced by those elites seems the opposite of good, beautiful, true.

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The subtitle of this substack is "progressive, elitist analysis," so it would be a bit strange if that tilt wasn't there! If you are interested in understanding my position, I'd suggest you check out this article to start: https://deepleft.substack.com/p/mcgenics

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I did read that. I find the idea of depopulation as eugenic hard to square with the almost universal support among the Elite for mass immigration. It seems more coherent to think that these elites would prefer to be like rulers of India, differentiated from a stinking brown underclass, rather than merely wanting to depopulate the excess of the masses.

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I would differentiate between two types of immigration: elite immigration and underclass immigration: https://deepleft.substack.com/p/elite-immigration

The first is not a "stinking brown underclass," but extremely competent and competitive people, mostly from India and China (25% of the world's population).

The second has some consequences that I am averse to. However, I believe the second is much less harmful than the first in most cases, and also has some benefits for the purpose of integrating the American system into South America: https://deepleft.substack.com/p/imagining-a-north-american-union

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My personal experience (and that of others in such fields) is that Kuomintang-Americans might be competent, but the Brahmins often are less so, especially when they start inviting relatives.

But without considering the ups and downs of high vs low class immigration, both contribute to keeping the population growing. I would think the right could make peace with an actual Sierra club vision of depopulation. What we have now is making Americas population larger and less competent than it was a century ago.

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I am against Indian immigration, and this article is good by Arctotherium if you haven't read it already:


My problem, as I lay out in my article on Elite Immigration, is that the Trump/Vance Republican party seems to be the party of Elite Immigration, which is the more harmful of the two. Obviously I would prefer 0% or even negative immigration, but those aren't the choices on the table. Given facts as they are, I believe mass Hispanic immigration will help America transform NAFTA into an American Union and integrate Mexico into NATO. I'm a liberal imperialist.

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I don’t like that trump said good things about immigration recently. During his former term both legal and illegal immigration were down (though sources differ). Generally the republicans can deviate between positions, but I don’t see the democrats or the urban progressive centers ever becoming anti immigrant. It has been their entire thing for the past two centuries.

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Amazing work here. Thanks for what you do.

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"I love beauty, nature, strength, and health." Ahhh! So you're a fascist. jk Good stuff.

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This is a refreshing read.

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First of all, I must always clarify when people bring this up: The Dionysian Orgy had nothing to do with sex! Modern group sex being called an orgy is a misnomer. Dionysus was also not a “hedonistic” god. I might have to make a whole post on Dionysus, he is one of the most important deities in Greek religion because of his role in mystery religions.

Otherwise, this article is something I and many others have thought for a long time, but I’d even go further and say a lot of the “politainment” crowd (myself included) is not really interested in what a normie would call “politics”. Listening to CNN journalists blab on about the latest election poll, trump’s legal issues, the latest senate bill, it’s all extremely boring when you are radicalized and realize all of that is fake and gay. I must go to best goy and buy something but I will read the rest of this maybe in audio when I go to the gym

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Please do make a post on Dionysus!

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source: trust me bro

For real there's so much bullshit here pulled straight from your ass.

First, ghosting as war rape. Your argument is that 1. In evolutionary history the only time women were ghosted was when they were raped by raiders 2. When women are ghosted by a hookup they are traumatized 3. Point two follows from one because of evolutionary psychology. - This is fucking idiotic, ghosting is not traumatizing like rape, and guess what the key distinction is: CONSENT, glossing over this is deeply concerning. Also you provide no source for women being traumatized by ghosting so I'm just going to assume its your asshole. There is a great Seriously Wrong podcast episode where they make fun of evolutionary psychology, like "Men like fishnets because their ancestors used to capture women in fishing nets" and stuff like that. Your argument is just the same, a parody, with a false premise, false conclusion, and inadequate logic to lead form one to another.

Second, politics is like astrology. While I agree that in bipartisan US politics the distinction between the two parties blurs often, there still is a distinction between astrology and politics. If you tell me your sign I learn your birth month and nothing else, if you tell me who you voted for I can make reasonable assumptions about your opinions on cultural and economic issues. I might be wrong in assuming that a right winger is anti immigration but its not equivalent to assuming that libras are lazy or some shit like that, it is far more reasonable.

It bothers me that "deep thinkers" like you are masquerading as intellectuals on this platform. This article has all the hallmarks of a proper intelligent piece of writing, except the content of it is just wrong, in its conclusion and its argumentation. If I had a nickel for every asshole on here spewing made up generalizations about women and men while insisting that they think for themselves. Quote: "You're a thinker in the way that a candle is a headlight"

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Stop the ad-hom swearing, it makes you sound like a Redditor.

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Huh, this is just all about over-generalized gender stereotypes. Most women are not into astrology, many are not even into interior decor, like my ex wife just likes empty white walls.

I agree that we are powerless, so politics is more like a fun social game, but not this way. It is basically arguing about whom to respect and whom not.

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Do you think there is a difference between a "directional average" truth and a "literal absolute 100% black and white" truth? Do you think there are any average differences between men and women?

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There are average differences, but average is not a very useful stat. Within-group differences are larger than between-group differences. I also think the location-less nature of the Internet confuses us a bit. I am in Vienna, Austria, very active dating life on FetLife and Feeld, have read thousands of profiles, and zero expressed an explicit interest in astrology, and few had put their signs on their profiles. That few can be explained by the fact that 1 in 12 people will have that personality type their sign describes, and it communicates that.

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Great use of lewontin's fallacy!

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“Again, the point of the theory of race was to discover large clusters of people that are principally homogeneous within and heterogeneous between, contrasting groups. Lewontin's analysis shows that such groups do not exist in the human species, and Edwards' critique does not contradict that interpretation.”

This is my case too. Generalizations depend on assumptions of in-group homogenity. When no such homogenity, no point of them.

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"The point of the theory of race was to discover large clusters of people that are principally homogeneous within and heterogeneous between." That's not my purpose at all, so your quote is irrelevant. Generalizations don't depend on homogeneity, and there is a point to heuristics. Have you heard of selective epistemic nihilism?

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Using political labels like "neoconservative", "fascist" and whatnot is a case of male astrology. On the other hand, I find people's focus on them to be reasonable, given that the stakes of politics have risen due to a combination of factors, notably gradual economic stagnation.

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I would say "understandable" but not "reasonable." I have sympathy for the phenomenon, since I engage in it, but I'm honest about the fallacy of democratic thinking ("everyone's political opinion matters").

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Depends, you can make your politics very practical. You can learn to spot propaganda, illusions, insidious scams and hateful games, learn when to flee the country or avoid being ruined when things get bad. Learn to avoid getting stuck in pointless wars.

You may not be able to move the masses but you can become unmoved by the masses. And escape the designs of the apparatchiks.

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I would agree there is a spectrum of pragmatism vs. time wasting when it comes to politics.

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Thought you were going to say Wall Street Bets. But just all politics? Whoa

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The 'proof' of this is how I stopped feeling like a left-liberal when I started scything my meadow. And feel even less political the more I dwell in my body, not my head.

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I was once told, in response to my confession that I try to not involve myself in politics altogether, that this way of thinking was “privileged”. Very frustrating, as I had realized long ago that I cannot make any serious impact on my community and country if all I do is sit and think about contemporary politics. Yet they think that my ability to not care comes from a privilege that I somehow have that magically makes politics not affect my life, or that I can comfortably not worry about the welfare of those less fortunate than me. I am of the lower class. I AM the less fortunate that should be thought of and “fought for”. Insanity, it is.

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Shame and guilt is an effective tactic for spreading political fanaticism.

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Well, perhaps you don't see it, but through politic I am introduce to role model and rallying group who share the same ideal. I actually try to improve for my tribe.

Men do not compare themselves to each other. It is pointless. We are judge on how much we are willing to bring to the table and give for the cause. We must be obsessive over victory because if not we will be enchained. That is how it is and how it will always be.

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Omg wtf does incel even mean anymore. Internet lingo is so stupid

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"The term incel refers to a man who is a romantic failure, but more broadly, it is a pejorative for a whole swath of men who are generally unsuccessful, alienated, and alone. They see politics as representative of what they are missing: power, collectivism, and identity.

A nerd who obsesses over sports doesn’t become strong; a fat guy who watches football doesn’t lose weight; a porn addict doesn’t get laid; and an incel who lives and breathes politics will never impact the world around him."

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