The “left is genuinely trying to build a better world” by fervently supporting the military-industrial complex, maintaining 750+ international military bases and spending trillions of treasure over 20+ years only to abandon their efforts to convince heroin-growing goat (add your own noun here) that gender is on a “spectrum”

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Yes, religious imperialism is an attempt to build a better world. Isolationists want to abandon the world, let it burn, let the world cannibalize itself and focus on gardening and white picket fences.

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Anyone who believes the world would suddenly catch fire and cannibalize itself if the DUSA (disUnited States of America) stopped being a rainbow breasted war mongering thug and corrupt world cop, has a permanent stake in the defense of the status quo and is therefore a member of the opposition

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Compare and contrast:

In 2013, Dominique Venner, a respectable french right wing intellectual shot himself in Notre Dame de Paris in order to awaken the Europeans to the threats posed against their civilization.

In 2024, an american veteran with woke views burn himself in Washington DC to protest against war in Gaza.

Who the Dissident Right is celebrating?

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I'm not sure I agree with the characterization of bureaucrats as veterans. I think that's a designation that should be reserved for those who see combat.

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On the matter of self-immolation, I believe many Nietzscheans respect such an act because it shows bravery and seriousness about politics even if the distant history of self-immolation has largely been a submissive and feminine act. In the modern world, such extreme acts are rare, and it's no wonder conservatives like Rod Dreher think it's "weird and scary" and liberals attempt to explain it away by talking about mental health. For the sheltered modern man (conservative or liberal) self-immolation is politics getting too real and serious for them. It's completely alien and either has to be dismissed as "weird" or psychologised away by liberal mental health experts.

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I don't think leftists are "explaining it away as mental health," they are largely endorsing it as moral. Conservatives definitely think it is "weird and scary" and are more likely to say it's about mental health. The cause specifically was victimological and therefore not Nietzschean -- if Bushnell self-immolated for another cause it would be more ambiguous. It was a post-Christian act -- the morality of Christianity liberated from the dogma against suicide.

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