really hit the nail on the head here.

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Incels are schizoid. This is not the same thing as schizophrenic or schizotypal, despite the name. Wikipedia has an adequate explanation.

Schizoids prefer to be alone, have solitary pursuits, have low motivation and low future orientation (planning ability, ability to initiate actions), and depressed affect (they seem emotionless or "robotic"). They are not delusional or paranoid. They do get comfort (more accurately, numbing) from creature comforts such as food.

Schizoid personality disorder in turn is cause by a lack of a strong bond to the mother (PC term: caregiver) in infancy. See John Bowlby's infant attachment theory, also just about adequately described in Wikipedia.

Lack of secure infant attachment, in turn, is caused by daycare and mothers returning to work within five years of bearing a child, essentially abandoning the child to be haphazardly monitored by a parade of indifferent and overworked early childhood workers.

This same phenomenon, lack of secure infant attachment and consequentially lack of a strong self-image and emotional regulation, also explains why more and more young women are anxious to the point of self-harm and why men who are not quite incels are nevertheless avoidant and unwilling to commit to relationships.

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" ... white nationalist terrorism is also on the rise" LOL.

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I tried to message you, then I realized you blocked me. I didn't even know you could block people on here!

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Loneliness is caused by simply not having the repeated interactions with compatible people required to form relationships and not being attractive enough to form relationships with women off the street in a post monogamy society. It has nothing to do with "autism", "trust" or "intimacy" issues. The churches are empty and filled with 80 year olds so that's a retarded answer to give them.

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You can have repeated interactions with people you hate, every single day, and not cure loneliness. Do you at least admit that people are getting more lonely than they used to be, on average?

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Yeah, it's because of immigrants destroying social cohesion and technology destroying women's willingness to settle for normal men. It has nothing to do with the reasons you listed.

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Are you genuinely disputing the semantics of "social trust" vs "social cohesion"?

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Yeah, typically when people talk about social trust it's about whether you trust strangers not to steal your bike. That kind of distrust is rare outside of large cities and not necessary for people to stop forming groups. I guess the proxies for race and religion that you posted like "values" was close.

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You do understand that most people live in cities, and that urbanization is not "rare"?

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"Muslim violence is because of being removed from their environment and the "culture clash "...The relevant factor here is SEXUAL VIOLENCE.But you couldn't even be honest about that one. All those millions of Muslim males chose to go to white heritage countries precisely because young white females are so sexually accessible and there are no men of their tribe to fear. "White nationalist terror is on the rise "-cynical, pathetic and a total falsehood which is a totally predictable way to bookend your essays attempts to smear and deride white males. It might bring you a little bit closer to receiving an invite to The View though.

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Muslims travel to Europe primarily for economic reasons.

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I was replying to your sentence-"Muslim violence is because of being removed from their environment and the culture clash "and I was highlighting how you were being disengenuous by your omission of sexual in that sentence. The economic element was a given. And when the millions of Muslims admitted by Merkel committed sex assaults and rapes didn't receive any sanctions that acted as a further pull factor

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Are you suggesting that 30% of Muslim immigrants engaged in sexual assaults?

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With the recent German case where 9 Muslim gang rapists received probation and the underage German girl a 2 day prison sentence for calling them "disgusting freaks "providing clear evidence of the German government's desire not to jail any Muslim rapist of white German females (and young males too )and silence victims too the percentage could be closer to 80 %.

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You think 80% of Muslims are rapists, lol

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Since the admission of 1.5 million Muslim males from the 15 to 30 years old single male cohort by Angela Merkel in 2015 1.1 million RECORDED sex crimes have been committed. Countless others were neither reported by the victims or even logged by the German cops when they were reported

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Everything I know about that show I have learned against my will.

Imagine being waterboarded at your gym every night by five line-of-sight TVs all displaying the same rerun of “Two and a Half Men,” to an audience of One.

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Interesting article. I'm inclined to nitpick at how dismissive you are of certain factors (namely the internet) but I think there's a lot to be said for your emphasis on lack of belonging to groups and general lack of trust in society.

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I generally see the internet as an aggravating factor of existing trends. I think without it, we’d be going in the same direction but at a slower pace.

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Enough disorganized violence can cripple a state. Mexico has the cartels rooted deeply enough that it could not get rid of them if it were desired.

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A cartel is, by definition, not "disorganized." Equating BLM with a cartel is quite a stretch.

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The cartels are more organized than BLM. But BLM is more organized than critics give it credit for. BLM protests had the uncanny habit of being switched off during he Obama administration, or late in 2020 when they started to drop poll numbers. One easily can imagine BLM type organizations evolving into cartels.

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You're shifting the question away from "violence."

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If the amount of BLM violence only increased over time, the ability of the global empire to function would degrade faster.

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I'm asking you to genuinely, objectively, step back from your political biases and assess whether you think BLM, which was largely a chaotic act of protesting, arson, and looting by disaffected individuals, is truly on the verge of forming a cartel, capable of fielding thousands of troops, fighting the government, targeted assassinations, kidnappings, international smugglings...

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It seems like a tall order. But I think that agents of chaos have a habit of stepping up their game when opportunity arises. Russian communists started off as chaotic acts of protest, but given the opportunity for doing more, they proved themselves capable and willing to do so. I predict BLM would do the same.

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Article cut off at the end?

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I don't know what happened. I looked in my backup archive and the original article was written to be twice as long. For some reason, Substack cut it in half. Instead of editing this one, I'll publish it separately.

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The worst part of this is that my archive is text-only, so none of the infographics I had were stored... And I didn't properly source them...

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